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Registering textures (such as compass & clock)


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I'm having trouble getting my custom animated textures to work properly. Please know that this is similar to how the compass work. In fact, the code mirrors off of the TextureCompass class. In MC 1.5, everything worked fine. I've hooked into the Pre-TextureStitchEvent to set the texture entry for the custom animation, but now that appears to not register it. The texture itself animates, but only from reading the png file. In other words, the compass just keeps turning, but it's not calling my updateAnimation() method. My debug code shows me it set's the texture entry, but it still doesn't call the TextureDetector class updateAnimation() method.


Here's some code for you all:


Hook for registering the texture entry:

package net.minecraft.src.meteor;

import net.meteor.common.MeteorsMod;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureMap;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.TextureStitchEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe;

public class HandlerTextures {

public void registerTextures(TextureStitchEvent.Pre event) {
	TextureMap map = event.map;
	if (map.textureType == 1) {		// Items
		map.setTextureEntry("meteors:MeteorDetectorProximity", new TextureDetector("meteors:MeteorDetectorProximity", 0));
		map.setTextureEntry("meteors:MeteorDetectorTime", new TextureDetector("meteors:MeteorDetectorTime", 1));
		map.setTextureEntry("meteors:MeteorDetectorCrash", new TextureDetector("meteors:MeteorDetectorCrash", 2));
		MeteorsMod.log.info("Textures set for detector!");



And here's my TextureDetector class:

package net.minecraft.src.meteor;

import net.meteor.common.ClientHandler;
import net.meteor.common.MeteorsMod;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureUtil;
import net.minecraft.util.ChunkCoordinates;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class TextureDetector extends TextureAtlasSprite {

public double currentAngle;
public double angleDelta;
public int detectorType;		// 0 = Proximity, 1 = Time, 2 = Crash

public TextureDetector(String s, int type) {
	this.detectorType = type;

public void updateAnimation()
	Minecraft minecraft = Minecraft.getMinecraft();

	if (minecraft.theWorld != null && minecraft.thePlayer != null)
		this.updateCompass(minecraft.theWorld, minecraft.thePlayer.posX, minecraft.thePlayer.posZ, (double)minecraft.thePlayer.rotationYaw, false, false);
		this.updateCompass((World)null, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, true, false);

public void updateCompass(World par1World, double par2, double par4, double par6, boolean par8, boolean par9)
	if (this.field_110976_a.isEmpty()) return;
	MeteorsMod.log.info("Updating Detector in compass method!");
	double d3 = 0.0D;

	if (par1World != null && !par8)
		ChunkCoordinates chunkcoordinates;
		if (this.detectorType == 0) {
			chunkcoordinates = ClientHandler.nearestTimeLocation;
		} else if (this.detectorType == 1) {
			chunkcoordinates = ClientHandler.getClosestIncomingMeteor(par2, par4);
		} else {
			chunkcoordinates = ClientHandler.lastCrashLocation;
		if (chunkcoordinates != null) {
			double d4 = (double)chunkcoordinates.posX - par2;
			double d5 = (double)chunkcoordinates.posZ - par4;
			par6 %= 360.0D;
			d3 = -((par6 - 90.0D) * Math.PI / 180.0D - Math.atan2(d5, d4));
			MeteorsMod.log.info("Chunk coords are NOT null");
		} else {
			d3 = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2.0D;
			MeteorsMod.log.info("Chunk coords are null");

		if (!par1World.provider.isSurfaceWorld())
			d3 = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2.0D;

	if (par9)
		this.currentAngle = d3;
		double d6;

		for (d6 = d3 - this.currentAngle; d6 < -Math.PI; d6 += (Math.PI * 2D))

		while (d6 >= Math.PI)
			d6 -= (Math.PI * 2D);

		if (d6 < -1.0D)
			d6 = -1.0D;

		if (d6 > 1.0D)
			d6 = 1.0D;

		this.angleDelta += d6 * 0.1D;
		this.angleDelta *= 0.8D;
		this.currentAngle += this.angleDelta;

	int i;

	for (i = (int)((this.currentAngle / (Math.PI * 2D) + 1.0D) * (double)this.field_110976_a.size()) % this.field_110976_a.size(); i < 0; i = (i + this.field_110976_a.size()) % this.field_110976_a.size())

	if (i != this.field_110973_g)
		this.field_110973_g = i;
		//this.textureSheet.copyFrom(this.originX, this.originY, (Texture)this.field_110976_a.get(this.frameCounter), this.rotated);
		TextureUtil.func_110998_a((int[])this.field_110976_a.get(this.field_110973_g), this.field_130223_c, this.field_130224_d, this.field_110975_c, this.field_110974_d, false, false);



Item variables declaration:

itemMeteorProximityDetector = new ItemMeteorsMod(IDs[33]).setUnlocalizedName("MeteorDetectorProximity").func_111206_d("meteors:MeteorDetectorProximity").setCreativeTab(meteorTab);
itemMeteorTimeDetector 		= new ItemMeteorsMod(IDs[34]).setUnlocalizedName("MeteorDetectorTime").func_111206_d("meteors:MeteorDetectorTime").setCreativeTab(meteorTab);
itemMeteorCrashDetector 	= new ItemMeteorsMod(IDs[35]).setUnlocalizedName("MeteorDetectorCrash").func_111206_d("meteors:MeteorDetectorCrash").setCreativeTab(meteorTab);


And yes, I register the TextureStitchEvent in my client proxy during my mod's Pre-initialization.


Any help on this would be great.

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