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You have to create a "loot table" of the block stored in src / main / resources / data /% modid% / loot_tables / blocks /% block_name%.json with the information you need depending on your needs (such as flowers, plants, etc), normally generator loot tables are used.


If you want the block to be broken by a spike, then you create a file called "needs_% material_tool_need% _tool.json" (example: needs_diamond_tool.json, needs_wood_tool.json) and inside you enter the following values:

  "replace": false,
  "values": [


For instance.


(The file is stored in  src / main / resources / data / minecraft / tags / blocks )


And you also need a file that specifies what kind of tool it will use, for example: pickaxe.json

(With the same information I gave as an example before.)

And it has to be located in  src / main / resources / data / minecraft / tags / blocks / mineable.



And that's it.

Posted (edited)

And as for the textures, the information for the block to use a specific texture is saved in a .json file that is stored in src / main / resources / assets /% modid% / blockstates


(example: example_ore.json)



With the following information:


  "variants": {
    "": {
      "model": "examplemod:block/example_ore"



Just for the blocks.



And you need to save another .json file which will recognize the texture in src / main / resources / assets /% modid% / models / blocks


(example: example_ore.json)


(The information stored varies depending on what you want to use as a texture, whether you need one texture to cover all 6 faces, or just one on the top and a different one on the bottom).


And you also need to create another .json file stored in src / main / resources / assets /% modid% / models / items for the block texture when in player inventory.


(example: example_ore.json)



Generally, you use the following information, but it can also vary:


  "parent": "examplemod:block/example_ore"


Edited by Gianka1485


After seeing your work, you must also create the properties of the block, but as an item, example:

public class ItemInit {
	public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(ForgeRegistries.ITEMS, MDG.MOD_ID);

	public static final RegistryObject<Item> RUBY = ITEMS.register("ruby",
			() -> new Item(new Item.Properties().tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_MATERIALS)));
	public static final RegistryObjet<Item> RUBY_BLOCK = ITEMS.register("ruby_block",
			() -> new BlockItem((Block) ModBlocks.RUBY_BLOCK.get(), (new Item.Properties()).tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_BUILDING_BLOCKS));


And if it still does not appear, create a folder where you save the mod elements, called a block, and inside you put the information of the block.




package com.sotsuu.mdg.core.blocks;

public class RubyBlock extends Block {
	public RubyBlock(Properties properties) {



Hey , first , thanks for your help and your explanation are very clear, but ModBlocks.RUBY_BLOCK.get() gives me an error 1321670725_Capturedcran2021-08-27044225.thumb.png.3b5c24b010e2b55d49fde7307559d0db.png

Once again , thank you for the help I really appreciate it



I think that error is caused by the following line of code in the main class:

	public static void onRegisterItems(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) {
		BlockInit.BLOCKS.getEntries().stream().map(RegistryObject::get).forEach(block -> {
			event.getRegistry().register(new BlockItem(block, new Item.Properties().tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_MISC))



Delete it and leave it like this:

        public static void registerItems(final RegistryEvent.Register<Item> event) {
            LOGGER.info("Hello from Register Item");


The variable "LOGGER" only serves to guide me, so it is not necessary.

Posted (edited)

I deleted the old SubscribeEvent and replaced it with the one you sent me , I also changed the ModBlocks by BlockInit and it don't show any errors now , thanks :D

And what problems can it lead for creating tools ?

Edited by Sotsuu
4 minutes ago, Sotsuu said:

I deleted the old SubscribeEvent and replaced it with the one you sent me , but ModBlocks still cannot be resolved 


And what problems can it lead for creating tools ?

I just opened a thread about that but no one has replied yet and I really don't know what to do ... haha


I launched the game , go in the world , but it tells me I can't because there is an error , in the console the errors are :

Couldn't read tag list minecraft:needs_iron_tool from minecraft:tags/blocks/needs_iron_tool.json in data pack main
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Missing values, expected to find a JsonArray

Couldn't load tag minecraft:mineable/pickaxe as it is missing following references: minecraft:mdg.ruby_block (from main)

 Missing required tags: ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:block]:minecraft:mineable/pickaxe

so the problem seems to be in pickaxe and needs_iron_tool but they should both be fine o.O

And hope you get replies on your thread , I can't help you with that i'm a complete noob as you can see 

Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Sotsuu said:

I launched the game , go in the world , but it tells me I can't because there is an error , in the console the errors are :

Couldn't read tag list minecraft:needs_iron_tool from minecraft:tags/blocks/needs_iron_tool.json in data pack main
com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Missing values, expected to find a JsonArray

Couldn't load tag minecraft:mineable/pickaxe as it is missing following references: minecraft:mdg.ruby_block (from main)

 Missing required tags: ResourceKey[minecraft:root / minecraft:block]:minecraft:mineable/pickaxe

so the problem seems to be in pickaxe and needs_iron_tool but they should both be fine 

And hope you get replies on your thread , I can't help you with that i'm a complete noob as you can see 


You have to put as a value inside the files, it has to be in your case:



That is, your mod id followed by a colon ":" to then put the name of the object or block (Or the id of the item)

Edited by Gianka1485

I'm also a very newbie, my programming knowledge is almost nil (or so it was before), I spent a whole month deciphering how variables, classes, int and float values worked, and other things, and after that, now I understand pretty good most of the code, but it was like 2 weeks trying to make an ore appear in the world, hahaha ... The good thing is that I am someone that if you explain with an example he will understand almost immediately, so I It seems good to explain to others, so that they do not go through the same difficulties that I went through ... haha


Actually , yes but no , the texture when I place the block is here and I can break hit with the good pickaxe and it'll give me the block , but when I have it in my inventory , the name is block.mdg.ruby_block and it's invisible (But I can place it)


Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, Sotsuu said:

Actually , yes but no , the texture when I place the block is here and I can break hit with the good pickaxe and it'll give me the block , but when I have it in my inventory , the name is block.mdg.ruby_block and it's invisible (But I can place it)



You must register the name of the object in your lang file, the id of the item and then the translation, example:

	"block.examplemod.example_block": "Example block",
	"item.examplemod.example_item": "Example item",
	"itemgroup.examplemod": "Example Mod"

These are examples of translating a block, an item and a group of items in creative mode respectively.

Lang files are normally named after the language type, for example, for US English it would be en_us.json, for English for England en_uk.json, for Spanish for Spain it would be es_es.json, you can find several examples if you unzip the file from version 1.17.1.jar, in practically the same folder, lang.

Edited by Gianka1485

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