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Hello I have a problem my server is launching but I cannot connect to it here are the logs of my client.


[21:58:29] [Netty Client IO #4/ERROR]: Channels [trashcans:main,xreliquary:channel,ironchest:network,geckolib3:main,elevatorid:main_channel,twilightforest:channel,shetiphiancore:main_channel,refinedstorage:main_channel] rejected their server side version number during listping
[21:58:29] [Netty Client IO #4/INFO]: Client has mods that are missing on server: [morered, farlanders, xpbook, rsrequestify, cyclopscore, astralsorcery, aiotbotania, eidolon, extendedcrafting, architects_palette, incontrol, rsgauges, envirotech, glassential, diolib, cookingforblockheads, citadel, dankstorage, culinaryconstruct, bookshelf, sophisticatedbackpacks, buildinggadgets, mcwdoors, mekanismgenerators, pathundergates, matc, xnetgases, lavasponge, mob_grinding_utils, twilightforest, rsinfinitybooster, chipped, chocolate, jamd, oretweaker, mcwbridges, dustrial_decor, resourcefulbees, embellishcraft, commoncapabilities, entangled, compressium, mekanismadditions, lollipop, valkyrielib, practicaltools, simplylight, pamhc2foodextended, solarflux, patchouli, rftoolsstorage, collective, oreexcavation, rftoolscontrol, tiab, integratedtunnels, thermal_expansion, elevatorid, lostcities, mysticalcustomization, gobber2, usrg, enigmaticlegacy, mekanismtools, architectury, compactcrafting, bigreactors, undergarden, trashcans, bwncr, cyclic, botaniaadditions, rhino, cucumber, trashslot, buzzier_bees, pamhc2trees, more_jellyfish, overloaded, itemfilters, janoeo, xlpackets, metalbarrels, abnormals_core, scannable, brazier, extraboats, create, goldenhopper, waystones, clumps, comforts, framedcompactdrawers, decorative_blocks, dungeoncrawl, restrictions, travel_anchors, mcjtylib, mapperbase, mahoutsukai, integrateddynamicscompat, enderstorage, mininggadgets, akashictome, ftbchunks, bones, amb, bloodmagic, brandonscore, mysticalagriculture, selene, tconstruct, rftoolsutility, enchdesc, titanium, bluepower, ctiers, forbidden_arcanus, towers_of_the_wild, enviroenergy, quark, fastbench, fluxnetworks, storagedrawers, chisel, engineersdecor, infinitylib, solcarrot, modularrouters, refinedstorageaddons, chiselsandbits, valhelsia_core, balancedenchanting, createaddition]
[21:58:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Client cache cleared!
[21:58:30] [Render thread/INFO]: Connecting to s24.starmine.net., 25863
[21:58:32] [Render thread/INFO]: Built PerkTree with 417 perks!
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Injecting existing registry data into this CLIENT instance
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:block: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:block: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_block
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:enchantment: Found a missing id from the world cyclic:excavate
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:fluid: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:fluid: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_flowing
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:item: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_block
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:item: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_bottle
[21:58:34] [Render thread/INFO]: Registry minecraft:item: Found a missing id from the world resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_fluid_bucket
[21:58:34] [Render thread/ERROR]: Unidentified mapping from registry minecraft:block
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey: 10520
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_block: 10519

[21:58:34] [Render thread/ERROR]: Unidentified mapping from registry minecraft:enchantment
    cyclic:excavate: 76

[21:58:34] [Render thread/ERROR]: Unidentified mapping from registry minecraft:fluid
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey: 171
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_flowing: 172

[21:58:34] [Render thread/ERROR]: Unidentified mapping from registry minecraft:item
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_block: 14654
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_bottle: 14653
    resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_fluid_bucket: 14655

[21:58:34] [Render thread/ERROR]: Missing registry data for network connection:
    minecraft:item: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_block
    minecraft:item: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_bottle
    minecraft:item: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_fluid_bucket
    minecraft:enchantment: cyclic:excavate
    minecraft:block: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey
    minecraft:block: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_block
    minecraft:fluid: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey
    minecraft:fluid: resourcefulbees:rainbow_honey_flowing

[21:58:34] [Netty Client IO #5/ERROR]: Failed to load registry, closing connection.
[21:58:34] [Netty Client IO #5/ERROR]: Connection closed, not continuing handshake

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