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[1.16.4]How to set up Eclipse and/or new project for 1.16.4! Instruction, NOT question! -.-


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Build on Eclipse 2021-03 (4.19.0), with Java 8(JavaSE- 1.8 System Library)...bad for you and me, I can't remember if it was provided by default, or if I had to download it. That's another hurdle I guess. If all fails, and it likely will, use an .exe named jarfix.exe(Google?). Setting up Java 8 is a pita if you're just an intern as I am. You'll have to fiddle around with the windows registry, or so. However, the actual Forge MDK instruction:

1. make new folder as you please
2. copy and extract you Forge mdk source(which you've downloaded from here. The recommended(not latest), which is 1.16.4 - 35.1.4, not 35.1.37)
3. remove any files and folder, from what you've(hopefully correctly) extracted, except: build.gradle, gradlew, gradlew.bat, and the gradle folder
4. open cmd window(windows->search->cmd-click black window icon), navigate to your newly build mod folder(changing harddrives D:, changing folders cd yourFolderName)
5. execute gradlew.bat(in cmd, NOT Eclipse!), like so: "gradlew genEclipseRuns"
5a. wait for it to start doing its thing in the cmd window, and only proceed AFTER it has finished its job
5b. in fact you do not want to mess around with or start your Eclipse IDE at all, to this point! Just don't!
6. now start Eclipse and import a new gradle project, like so: File->Import->Gradle\Existing Gradle Project->Next->Browse to your newly created Mod folder and select it->Finish
7. It should(I'm saying should because you never know, since there are 3 different instructions on the Forge Wiki, Minecraft Wiki, and a Forge forum thread) now work like supposed to

Do instructions really defer?

Yes they do. There are small details different from any new version, and the Forge Wiki instructions for 1.16.x totally misses the point, were you're supposed to either import an existing gradle project(that you've just created with the gradlew task genEclipseRun), OR build a new project which needs major edits in order to work properly. Funny enough, the Github ReadMe has that info, but this is never mentioned in any of the multiple threads, that will only link you to the Forge Wiki for 1.16.x(which is not 1.16.4 obviously). Only God knows why you get mocked for not having that omnipotent insight. You also figure at one point, that Eclipse doesn't seem to be the familiar Forge Family IDE, even though the Wiki recommends it.

Why you make teh thread for tis!?

Because forum searches usually suck Elephant's marble, and Google does not. This thread is primarily done to have a future reference for myself, to have a clear, and infallible instruction, whenever I'd return to modding, or make a new project in Eclipse, for 1.16.4. There's no guarantee this is going to work for any version prior or after 1.16.4.

Wall of text! WTF!?

Yeah, it's called venting steam. I'm pretty annoyed right now, because that's the third time I'm tearing my hair out for following instructions, AND not getting $%&§ done. It's going to end here. Unless I forgot I've made this thread...:)

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Well, 1.16.4 must have become not up to date just recently. But what does it matter, since it's a reference for 1.16.4 users only anyways?

If the validity of valid instruction pages carry non valid, or partially non valid info, I tend to search for other sources. So my bad I guess, for ignoring the infallibility of the Forge Wiki.


Thirdly: The getting started page on the documentation explains exactly the steps you have. I don't know why you insist on running genEclipseRuns before opening in Eclipse, it is not relevant. 

It IS relevant at least to me, since I never got Eclipse to the point I could do the genEclipseRun command, from inside the Eclipse environment. I thought I made clear why, right? I mean, getting Eclipse to run is easy, if you ignore the "setup Java 8" part. But actually getting Eclipse to run without an existing gradle configuration in order to mod Minecraft with Forge is virtually impossible? Hence why I made notice of the "the ReadMe has, but the Wiki does not have" the vital info.

It does not matter to me much the 100% correct terminology of a gradle "project" or gradle "run configuration", because I'm quite confident anybody knew what I was talking about. One of the multiple forum threads, funny enough, designates the gradle run configuration as gradle "project" just as well.

However, I owe you gratitude for at least admitting your Wiki guy doesn't seem to be always up to date with most recent info. I'd happily do that work for you guys, if you allow anyone has access to Github and/or Wiki pages? 

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Wiki, .io, whatever...


...that's the place I'm going to first always. And it lacks the info, which is contained in the source's ReadMe download from here...


...and the misinformation came from multiple different threads. All ranging from version 1.8 to 1.17.1 versions MC with Forge. This should serve as testimony that I can't be the only getting confused with the instructions provided. For sure, we "users" f up a lot as well, but it isn't easy to keep your head cool sometimes, believe me. And it is naturally a thing I'd try to prevent, given my age.

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The info to import the gradle run configuration(as gradle project aka wrong terminology?) into Eclipse.

It only has the info to do this from inside Eclipse with the gradlew task genEclipseRun. Quote:


For Eclipse, run the genEclipseRuns gradle task (gradlew genEclipseRuns). This will generate the Launch Configurations and download any required assets for the game to run. After this has finished, refresh your project.

But since there is no gradle run confguration present when starting Eclipse first time, how do I initiate any gradlew task?

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1 minute ago, diesieben07 said:

Aka: Use the Gradle integration of your IDE. If you don't know what that means: Look up your IDEs instructions. The Forge documentation is the wrong place to learn about your IDE.

Oh, I guess we cleared that one up. There is no gradle enviroment on my Eclipse when doing default installation. It never was. Hence why I would always use the CMD to build the gradle run config.

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