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sadly the old


newRecord = new ItemRecord(id, "sound file", false).setUnlocalizedName("record")


does not work anymore. Is there a new way to make custom discs?






Here's how:


Extend ItemRecord like...

public class ItemModDisc extends ItemRecord {

	public ItemModDisc(int id, String recordName) {
	super(id, recordName);
	this.maxStackSize = 1;
// Rest of your ItemRecord code...


Then to your main class, add your constructor with one change:

modDisc = (new ItemModDisc(modDiscID, "your_modname_lowercased:moddisc")).setUnlocalizedName("moddisc");


Put your ogg to the assets/your_modname_lowercased/records and keep the name same as above (so my custom

record is moddisc.ogg and path is then assets/my_mods_name/records/moddisc.ogg

And load it the the soundPoolStreaming (in your sound load event handler) for example like this:




Note that you don't use folder records in handler because soundPoolStreaming is looking always from /assets/your_modname_lowercased/records

like soundPoolSounds is looking from /assets/your_modname_lowercased/sounds


And there it is, your custom record which works just fine =)


edit: Little clean up for code because I copy pasted it without removing unneeded lines...




Here's how:


Extend ItemRecord like...

public class ItemModDisc extends ItemRecord {

public final String recordName;

	public ItemModDisc(int id, String recordName) {
	super(id, recordName);
	this.maxStackSize = 1;
	this.recordName = "moddisc";


Then to your main class, add your constructor with one change:

modDisc = (new ItemModDisc(modDiscID, "your_modname_lowercased:moddisc")).setUnlocalizedName("moddisc");


Put your ogg to the assets/your_modname_lowercased/records and keep the name same as above (so my custom

record is moddisc.ogg and path is then assets/my_mods_name/records/moddisc.ogg

And load it the the soundPoolStreaming (in your sound load event handler) for example like this:




Note that you don't use folder records in handler because soundPoolStreaming is looking always from /assets/your_modname_lowercased/records

like soundPoolSounds is looking from /assets/your_modname_lowercased/sounds


And there it is, your custom record which works just fine =)

The jukebox accepts the disc, but this text is showing up (Now Playing: C418 - blablabla) and the sound doesn't play. I put the soundfile into /assets/myModid/records/.

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You may want to change this:


     * Return the title for this record.
    public String getRecordTitle()
        return "C418 - " + this.recordName;

To whatever it is you want.


In your constructor, this is useless:

this.recordName = "moddisc";

because it is already done by the call to super(id, recordName);


You can also remove:

public final String recordName;

this field already exists in the parent class.


You may want to change this:


     * Return the title for this record.
    public String getRecordTitle()
        return "C418 - " + this.recordName;

To whatever it is you want.


In your constructor, this is useless:

this.recordName = "moddisc";

because it is already done by the call to super(id, recordName);


You can also remove:

public final String recordName;

this field already exists in the parent class.

Thank you! The name is fixed now. But what about the sound not playing? I put the file into the right directory :/

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Ok then.. double check your directory structure because you won't get any error message to the console if Minecraft

doesn't find your music file. Oh and another thing, I haven't tested any other formats than .ogg so I'm not sure about

other formats..


Edit: Hey...can I see your soundloader because the problem could be there?


Registering of the SoundLoader in PreInit:

MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new SoundHandler());



package MoreDimensions.handler;

import net.minecraft.client.audio.SoundManager;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.sound.SoundLoadEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.ForgeSubscribe;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import MoreDimensions.MoreDimensions;

public class SoundLoader 
public void onSoundsLoaded(SoundLoadEvent event)
	SoundManager manager = event.manager;

	manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Explosive.ogg");
	manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Frequenz.ogg");
	manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Recent.ogg");
	manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Rising Again.ogg");
	manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Watching.ogg");

My modid is moredimensions and my folder structure is \assets\moredimensions\records\KsTBeats - Explosive.ogg and the other ones.


EDIT: I tried mp3 and it didn't work either.

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Couple things that could effect..


MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new SoundHandler()); so Class name (compilation unit) should be also

SoundHandler (see your SoundHandler.java, line: public class SoundLoader )


Music discs should be loaded to soundPoolStreaming, not to the soundPoolSounds. You see, soundPoolSounds gets

sounds from the directory /assets/modid/sounds/file.ogg and soundPoolStreaming from /assets/modid/records/file.ogg


Also, I wouldn't recommend to use spaces in filenames..


I renamed SoundHandler to SoundLoader while I made this post so a couple things are messed up, but everything is called SoundLoader. I changed everything to soundPoolStraming and to explosive instead of KsTBeats - Explosvie as well as the file name, and it still doesn't work. This is my init part btw:

explosiveDisc = new Explosive(explosiveDiscID, modid + ":explosive").setUnlocalizedName("explosiveDisc").setCreativeTab(moreDimensionsSound);

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Did you also remember to change


manager.soundPoolSounds.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Explosive.ogg");    to


manager.soundPoolStreaming.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":KsTBeats - Explosive.ogg");

(or manager.soundPoolStreaming.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":explosive.ogg"); if you changed everything to lowercased)




I'm running out of ideas...the only thing you haven't change is the way you use your sound loader.

So try remove line SoundManager manager = event.manager because you don't need it. Just use:



public void onSoundsLoaded(SoundLoadEvent event)


                      event.manager.soundPoolStreaming.addSound(MoreDimensions.modid + ":explosive.ogg");

                      //and so on...



...to load your music disc.


edit: And by the way...I'm registering my items in load, and sounds in preinit...just to let you know..


mm....can you show me your extended ItemRecord?

package MoreDimensions.music;

import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
import net.minecraft.item.EnumRarity;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemRecord;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import MoreDimensions.MoreDimensions;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;

public class Explosive extends ItemRecord
    public Explosive(int id, String recordName)
        super(id, recordName);
        this.maxStackSize = 1;

    public String getRecordTitle()
        return "KsTBeats - Explosive";

    public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
        return EnumRarity.rare;
    public void registerIcons(IconRegister reg)
    	this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon(MoreDimensions.modid + ":record_explosive");

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