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Hey guys.


I'm trying to set up my dimensions. When I first wrote the mod a while back, I had just hardcoded IDs - creating my blocks in the main class looked like this:


    public final static Block akatoeGrass = new AkatoeGrass(201).setUnlocalizedName("akatoeGrass");


With it like that, my biome works just fine.

However, now I want to set up configs for the mod. After I stopped doing this mod (I went on a break from it for a while), I learned about how to make a config file, and so I now do my blocks like this:

    public static Block akatoeGrass;

    public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
    	RemulaConfig config = new RemulaConfig();

        akatoeGrass = new AkatoeGrass(config.akatoeGrassID).setUnlocalizedName("akatoeGrass");


Doing it that way gives me this error, with a NPE. I can't for the life of me figure out why... Can someone shed some light on the situation?

It's probably a really simple error and I'm just missing something, but noone on IRC could help so figured I might as well post here :P



(Line 644 of my Remula class just registers my Biome)


Any help is great, sorry if it's a bit of a noobie question but I'm stumped of how I can get configs working without causing an NPE.

width=463 height=200


My mods (Links coming soon)

Cities | Roads | Remula | SilvaniaMod | MoreStats

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