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Server won't start


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So while I don't have much knowledge... this isn't my first server however it says i miss some library files (after running the minecraft server from the official your recommended 1.12.2 installer). here are the logs:

D:\Server minecraft>java -Xmx6144M -Xms1024M -jar forge-1.12.2- --nogui
We appear to be missing one or more essential library files.
You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run successfully.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(BuiltinClassLoader.java:636)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoaders.java:182)
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:519)
        at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
        at java.base/java.lang.Class.forName(Class.java:466)
        at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.run(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:52)
        at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(ServerLaunchWrapper.java:34)

D:\Server minecraft>PAUSE
Press any key to continue . . .

the minecraft server file runs perfectly fine too.


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