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[1.18.1] Unable to generate leafblocks with a high randomTickSpeed?


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I am working in 1.18.1 Forge (39.0.9).

I have a set of code which runs to put a tree in the world from a sapling (I am placing blocks directly in an AbstractTreeGrower class, without using the ConfiguredFeature methods of vanilla trees).

When generating the tree at regular randomTickSpeed = 3 and then setting the randomTickSpeed = 1000 afterwards, the tree is stable. Logs are correctly tagged etc. Nothing decays.

However, if I set randomTickSpeed = 1000 and then generate the tree, the leaves decay as the tree is generated and it falls apart as it is built. How can this happen? It is as if the blocks are being ticked before the code has completed?

My repository for this is here, and includes just about only this one set of trial tree code: https://github.com/AechtRob/PrehistoricNature/tree/master/src/main


Many thanks to anyone who can help me here!


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Well, to follow up, these have been my activities with this:

I moved the placement of all the tree blocks to the expected Trunk and FoliagePlacer classes: it just seems that I ought to do what the framework wants me to, in case there is a special reason I don't know about.

My trees place more than just logs and leaves (other blocks too), so at first I tried out using the Trunk placer itself to add all the variety of blocks (and then pass a null list to the foliageplacer). This also had the effect that when tick speed was high the tree leaves decayed before/while it was placed. I then moved all the foliage placement to a real custom FoliagePlacer class via the List of foliage coordinates (and managed the various different kinds of leafblock in a different way). Setting all leaf blocks in the LeafPlacer results in a stable placement with no decay during generation at high tick speeds. Setting then in the TrunkPlacer does not. This is all very weird, and I am not sure if this is uncovering a bug or something actually wrong in my code.

It's an open question about whether other methods placing a large amount of blocks including leaves might result in some decaying before the full lot have been set.

Edited by Aecht_Rob
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