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How to fix that Server Error


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Hey Talented People, 

Im new in the settingup a mod server game so dont be mean to me... 

I am curently trying to set up a minecraft FTB Oceanblock server. After 4h work and trying i finaly got a working server where my firends an i can play on.

The server is working on the Modpack version 1.11.0, the Forge version is 36.2.20 and Java 8 

But there is one problem... In the live server consol i cant see anything because the whole console is full with the error: 

[Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)


it would be nice if someone could Help me.



The debug file looks like this:

[07Jan2022 03:28:23.076] [Netty Epoll Server IO #2/DEBUG] [net.minecraftforge.fml.network.FMLHandshakeHandler/FMLHANDSHAKE]: Received acknowledgement from client
[07Jan2022 03:28:23.104] [Server thread/DEBUG] [net.minecraftforge.fml.network.FMLHandshakeHandler/FMLHANDSHAKE]: Handshake complete!
[07Jan2022 03:28:23.241] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraftforge.common.AdvancementLoadFix/]: Using new advancement loading for net.minecraft.advancements.PlayerAdvancements@41561c01
[07Jan2022 03:28:23.319] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.management.PlayerList/]: Fab_Fab[/] logged in with entity id 13 at (256.5, 121.0, 256.5)
[07Jan2022 03:28:23.359] [Server thread/DEBUG] [net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkFilters/]: Injected net.minecraftforge.network.ForgeConnectionNetworkFilter@11226e65 into net.minecraft.network.NetworkManager@63f1fc3e
[07Jan2022 03:28:23.443] [Server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer/]: Fab_Fab joined the game
[07Jan2022 03:28:23.943] [Server thread/DEBUG] [FTB Quests/]: Wrote 123592 bytes, 1828 objects
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.301] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.381] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.419] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.462] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.510] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.577] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)
[07Jan2022 03:28:24.605] [Server thread/ERROR] [KubeJS Server/]: Error occurred while handling event 'player.tick': Class 'owmii.losttrinkets.api.LostTrinketsAPI' is not allowed! (server_scripts:player/swimming.js#4)

Edited by Fab_Fab
addiing debug code
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I just swapped the server data ... I didn't change any code!

Im using the service provider Nitrado and they got Prepared Modpacks but Oceanpack is not in their prepared list. So i had to copy past in the server files.


Edited by Fab_Fab
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So i have downloaded the server files by the FTB Website. On my Pc i started the Serverinstall.exe. the Serverinstall.exe created the server data like: the config, libraries, mods and world folder.

On the Server where i get the error code i installed Forge Vanilla. Then i have overwriten the Forge Vanilla with the data from my Pc...

With the ,,i didn`t change any code`` i meant, that i haven edited anything by hand.


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