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Posted (edited)

Forge 1.16.5-36.1.30. Docs say that PlayerEvent.Copy event is helpful for this, but I cant figure out what to do exactly. This is what I wrote and it doesnt work:

static void copyPlayerDataOnRespawn(PlayerEvent.Clone event){
  SoulCap soul = SF.getSoul(event.getOriginal());
  SoulCap soulNew = SF.getSoul(event.getPlayer());
  soulNew = soul;
  SF.sendToClient((ServerPlayerEntity)event.getPlayer(), soulNew);


public static SoulCap getSoul(PlayerEntity player){
    return player.getCapability(SoulCap.SoulProvider.SOUL_CAP, null).resolve().orElse(null);
public static void sendToClient(ServerPlayerEntity player, SoulCap cap){
    PacketSender.INSTANCE.send(PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(() -> player), new SoulPacket(cap));


static void handle(SoulPacket p, Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> ctx){
        ctx.get().enqueueWork(() -> {
            if (ctx.get().getDirection() == NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_CLIENT) {
                ClientPlayerEntity player = Minecraft.getInstance().player;
                SoulCap cap = SF.getSoul(player);
                if (cap.justParried) {
                    cap.justParried = false;
            } else if (ctx.get().getDirection() == NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_SERVER){
                ServerPlayerEntity player = ctx.get().getSender();
                SoulCap cap = SF.getSoul(player);
                if (cap.justParried) {
                    cap.justParried = false;

First of all, the sentToClient side can be easlily removed because at this point in code Minecraft.getInstance().player is still null. But I still have to sync sides somehow... And secondly, the capability is not actually getting copied. I guess its because in this case player.getCapability() only provides a copy of the asked capability, not an assignable reference. But there is no player.setCapability method... So what do I do?



Edited by GrigLog

You need to actually copy the data

Well, thats exactly what Im struggling with. Ive also tried soulNew.setNbt(soul.getNbt()), but with no result


This allows the client to just set arbitrary data into the capability, which will enable cheating

The thing is, I actively use input events and I have to send player inputs to server somehow. I should probably make 2 separate capabilities (for mana and for inputs) later

SoulCap class:

public class SoulCap {
    public static int CATimerMax = 20;
    public static int dashWindowMax = 3;
    public static int dashCDMax = 20;

    public int parryTimer = 0;
    public int CATimer = 0;
    public int dashWindow = 0;
    public int dashCD = 0;
    public boolean justParried = false;
    public boolean rightClicked = false;
    public boolean leftClicked = false;
    public double mana = 0;
    public double maxMana = 10;
    public HashMap<String, Integer> usedKeyItems = new HashMap<>();

    public boolean trySpendMana(double a) {
        if (mana >= a){
            mana -= a;
            return true;
        return false;
    public void addMana(double a){
        mana += a;
        if (mana > maxMana)
            mana = maxMana;

    public CompoundNBT getNbt(){
        CompoundNBT tag = new CompoundNBT();
        tag.putInt("parryTimer", parryTimer);
        tag.putInt("CATimer", CATimer);
        tag.putBoolean("justParried", justParried);
        tag.putBoolean("rightClicked", rightClicked);
        tag.putBoolean("leftClicked", leftClicked);
        tag.putDouble("mana", mana);
        tag.putDouble("maxMana", maxMana);
        CompoundNBT keyItems = new CompoundNBT();
        for (String s : usedKeyItems.keySet()){
            keyItems.putInt(s, usedKeyItems.get(s));
        tag.put("usedKeyItems", keyItems);
        return tag;

    public SoulCap setNbt(CompoundNBT nbt){
        parryTimer = nbt.getInt("parryTimer");
        CATimer=  nbt.getInt("CATimer");
        justParried = nbt.getBoolean("justParried");
        rightClicked = nbt.getBoolean("rightClicked");
        leftClicked =  nbt.getBoolean("leftClicked");
        mana = nbt.getDouble("mana");
        maxMana = nbt.getDouble("maxMana");
        CompoundNBT keyItems = nbt.getCompound("usedKeyItems");
        for (String s : keyItems.keySet()){
            usedKeyItems.put(s, keyItems.getInt(s));
        return this;

    public static class SoulProvider implements ICapabilitySerializable<INBT> {
        public static Capability<SoulCap> SOUL_CAP;
        private final LazyOptional<SoulCap> instance = LazyOptional.of(() -> new SoulCap());

        public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> cap, @Nullable Direction side) {
            return cap == SOUL_CAP ? instance.cast() : LazyOptional.empty();

        public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> cap) {
            return cap == SOUL_CAP ? instance.cast() : LazyOptional.empty();

        public INBT serializeNBT() {
            return SOUL_CAP.getStorage().writeNBT(SOUL_CAP, this.instance.resolve().get(), null);

        public void deserializeNBT(INBT nbt) {
            SOUL_CAP.getStorage().readNBT(SOUL_CAP, this.instance.resolve().get(), null, nbt);

    public static class SoulStorage implements Capability.IStorage<SoulCap> {
        public INBT writeNBT(Capability<SoulCap> capability, SoulCap soulCap, Direction side) {
            return soulCap.getNbt();

        public void readNBT(Capability<SoulCap> capability, SoulCap soulCap, Direction side, INBT nbt) {



Posted (edited)

Im sorry, there was a result actually - on server side capability got copied correctly, I just didn't see it from the game because its not synced. Now, how can I send that data to client? In which event?

Edited by GrigLog

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