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For my mod, I'm interested in adding a custom type of "storm".  It would purely be a visual effect and does not need to impose any of the other effects that come from rain (e.g. putting out fires).

What would be the best option? I haven't found any other examples of this online.

My current approach is to spawn a bunch of Minecraft "RAIN" particle in a radius around the player - but to create an effective result I feel I will need to add a large number of particles and worry that would introduce lag.

Thanks for any help.


My current experimental implementation piggybacks off one of my crop entities to spawn particles around each player in the world - but I'm still just testing things out.


    public void animateTick(BlockState p_180655_1_, World world, BlockPos p_180655_3_, Random p_180655_4_) {
        super.animateTick(p_180655_1_, world, p_180655_3_, p_180655_4_);
        for (PlayerEntity p : world.players()) {
            Vector3d position = p.getPosition(0);
            BlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos(position);
            // Instead of using directions, randomly spawn particles in a zone around the player
            for (Direction dir : Direction.values()) {
                BlockPos bpO = blockPos.relative(dir);
                for (Direction d2 : Direction.values()) {
                    BlockPos bp = bpO.relative(d2);
                    world.addParticle(ParticleTypes.RAIN, bp.getX(), bp.getY() + 1, bp.getZ(), 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);


Edited by bradsk88
  • 2 weeks later...

Figured it out.



  • Enqueue work in FMLClientSetupEvent
  • In that work, grab the Overworld's DimensionRenderInfo and call setWeatherRenderHandler on it with your custom renderer.
  • In the renderer, copy the minecraft rain code and:
    • Provide your own ResourceLocation for RAIN_LOCATION
    • Remove the "-" from f3 value (I also multiplied it by 0.2 to slow down the rain)



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