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[1.16.5] Disable lighting effects for block rendered in TileEntityRenderer


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For my mod, there is a clump of blocks that can only be seen when the player is wearing a certain item. I have succeeded in implementing that part:


However, I would also like these block clumps to be "lit up" under any lighting conditions.


I have tried setting properties on the block itself, but they don't seem to make any difference to the blocks rendered by the TileEntityRenderer:

public static final Properties PROPS = Properties.
  lightLevel((BlockState bs) -> 10).
    (BlockState bs, IBlockReader r, BlockPos p) -> true

Here's my TileEntityRenderer code (source):

    public void render(
      TraparWaveBlock.TileEntity te, float partialTicks, MatrixStack matrixStackIn,
      IRenderTypeBuffer bufferIn, int combinedLightIn, int combinedOverlayIn
    ) {

        ClientPlayerEntity player = mc.player;
        ItemStack helmet = player.getItemBySlot(EquipmentSlotType.HEAD);
        if (helmet.isEmpty()) {

        for (BlockPos p : te.getShape().getAsRelativeBlockPositions()) {
            renderBlock(p, matrixStackIn, bufferIn,  1.0f);

    private void renderBlock(Vector3i translation, MatrixStack matrixStack,
                             IRenderTypeBuffer buffer, float scale) {
          translation.getX(), translation.getY(), translation.getZ()
        matrixStack.scale(scale, scale, scale);

        BlockState bs = BlocksInit.TRAPAR_WAVE_CHILD_BLOCK.get().
          bs, matrixStack, buffer, Integer.MAX_VALUE, 
          OverlayTexture.NO_OVERLAY, EmptyModelData.INSTANCE

I have also tried calling `RenderHelper.turnOff()` and `RenderHelper.turnBackOn()` wrapped around the "renderBlock" code.  No joy.

Can anyone help me out? I'd like these blocks to be "full bright" at all times. Thanks.


Edited by bradsk88
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