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Basically the title. For my mob class, I have the following 2 methods overridden:

    protected void populateDefaultEquipmentSlots(DifficultyInstance difficultyInstance) {
        this.setItemSlot(EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND, new ItemStack(ModItems.COMICALLY_LARGE_SPOON.get()));

    public SpawnGroupData finalizeSpawn(ServerLevelAccessor serverLevelAccessor, DifficultyInstance difficultyInstance, MobSpawnType mobSpawnType, @Nullable SpawnGroupData spawnGroupData, @Nullable CompoundTag compoundTag) {
        SpawnGroupData spawnGroupDataToReturn = super.finalizeSpawn(serverLevelAccessor, difficultyInstance, mobSpawnType, spawnGroupData, compoundTag);
        return spawnGroupDataToReturn;

I've already tested the item separately, so I know it works fine. However, I still can't get my  mob to spawn with the item equipped. Is there anything else I have to do for this?


The method is called. I debugged the code when I used a spawn egg for my mob and stepped through the code, and it did call setItemSlot. I would hit the breakpoint in the debugger both using the spawn egg and using SpawnPlacements.register.


That might be it. My Renderer currently extends MobRenderer. It looks like the following:

public class MyMobRenderer<Type extends MyMob> extends MobRenderer<Type, MyMobModel<Type>> {
    private static final ResourceLocation TEXTURE =
            new ResourceLocation(Main.MOD_ID, "textures/entities/my_mob.png");

    public MyMobRenderer(EntityRendererProvider.Context context) {
        super(context, new MyMobModel<>(context.bakeLayer(MyMobModel.LAYER_LOCATION)), 0.5f);

    public ResourceLocation getTextureLocation(MyMob entity) {
        return TEXTURE;

I'll try extending HumanoidMobRenderer to see if that works.

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