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Problems with creating a 1.12.2 server on Mac

Sam Robinson

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So, i am trying to create a surver running on my imac. I have 32gb of ram and a good SSD it is powerful enough for it to run it well. 

However when i download the forgemod system installer, and click 'Install sever' it can make it work okay. I get 3 files coming up in a folder the forge sever jar, a minecraft sever jar and a libraries folder. 

This is where i ant get any further. i try to click on the installer again but it wont load anything else and wont give me a EULA folder or anything, i have tried deleting an reinstalling the loder. I have tried deleting java and downloading it again. I even have downloaded java 17 which shouldnt be neccasary for this. Im at a loss.


The only thing i get is either nothing at all or it will say 

Java Application Launch Failed. Check Console for possible error. 


This i have also troubleshooted, and followed countless suggestions from online how to solve it. But nothing. Still doesnt work. Any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.

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