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Best / compatible way to check the list of mods before they get loaded ?


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Dear Forge Community,

I wonder what is the best / compatible way to check the list of mods which are installed before they are actually get loaded?

At the moment creating mod packs requires a lot of manually work, so I want to automate some of the tasks for myself.

An basic example would be to automatically disable Opti-fine on dedicated servers before it crashes the server.

Optifine is using the transformation service to get loaded before other mods, but not sure if this is the way.


Thanks for any relevant feedback and/or references.

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12 hours ago, loordgek said:

solution: dont put it on the server

That's not really a solution, it's still manual work to search for related mods and "not putting them on the server".

A similar "solution" would be to not use any mod packs or mods at all. 🙃

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2 hours ago, diesieben07 said:

FML provides the IModLocator service interface that allows you to hook into the mod discovery process. However I think this is overkill for this use-case. The truth is: If a mod does not properly load on a server, that mod is broken. A client-only mod should simply do nothing on a server. Report a bug to the mod author.

Thanks for the feedback. I fully agree that in an ideal world this should cause no issues. The reality is that most mod authors don't care and just add a comment that their mod is "client-side" only.

I have an mod pack which has about 240 mods and about 35 of these causing issues on servers, I need to manually sort out these mods every time they get updated.

I tried to contacted some of the mod authors, but in most cases they just pointed out it's a client side mod and don't want to fix it. 😔

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