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MC 1.16.5 not Launch, exit code : 1


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Hi, I'm using Forge 36.2.34 and Java 8 jre 8u333 and sometimes, my Minecraft 1.16.5 dont want to launch. Sometimes i can play one week and and one day, my laucher completely freeze during the loading (the red screen). At this moment I have to relauch my computer by pressing the OFF button... and when I retry to launch Minecraft, I have the error : This crash may be cause by an invalid java runtime configuration. Exit code : 1. Sometimes I manage to get it to start but a few day later, the problem reappears.

Here are the latest log : https://paste.gemwire.uk/view/5083f7b3

and the debug https://paste.gemwire.uk/view/198a515d


I tried some of the solutions I found on this forum and Discord :

- Reinstall all Java, Minecraft, Forge and my mods

- Use a different version of Forge and Java

- Launch Minecraft without the mods, only Forge

- Give 8Gb for Minecraft (-Xmx8G), my computer has 16Gb

- Delete fml.tool and the config folder


nowadays, I didn't find a viable solution to save me wondering if my computer will freeze while loading.

Can anyone help ?

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While load (the Minecraft red loading screen) the computer freezes completely. I can't move the mouse anymore, the keyboard no longer responds so the shortcuts are unavailable and the screen freezes. Once I let it run for 20 minutes, to see if there was any change but nothing happened. This is why I have to switch off my computer by pressing the OFF button.

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I deleted Optifine from the mod folder, the game crached and the computer freezed. the log is empty, here is the launcher log : https://paste.gemwire.uk/view/e87ba99a 

Another info, I use minecraft conquest reforged mod and ressourcepack, maybe the error comes from here. I tested to launch without any mods and ressourcepack, just Forge, it crashed with exit code 1.

Edited by Sam51
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