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Anyone know how to install an old version of Java?


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I'm trying to use a mod made back in 2017, this one to be exact: [removed link to malicious website]
I'm using the 1.7.10 version of Forge and only have this mod equipped, but I get the error "the game crashed whilst exception in server tick looperror: java.lang.illegalargumentexception: bound must be positiveexit code: -1", which according to the other posts, is the result a mod being faulty/outdated. 

However if I can install a version of Java released around 2016/2017, this should solve my issue and let me play with the mod. So, does anyone know how I could?

Edited by diesieben07
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    • https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/dca4f60822965496bbe9877088415663 im new to all this sorry haha I think that's what you wanted?  
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