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I've looked through all of the classes in the Potion package and looked through the ItemPotion class and I can't find where the effect for Blindness is handled. I've also looked in Entity, EntityLiving, EntityLivingBase and EntityPlayer and there's only one reference to blindness in EntityPlayer, and I don't think it's related to field of vision.


So, how does Blindness affect field of vision?


If no one knows, how can you create something like it?

I want to create a potion which stops mobs from being able to see me

I tried altering follow distance but I either had to have the modifying number really high or it wouldn't work

it also, for some reason, stopped the entity from moving


atm it's basically just

	stunPotion = (new PotionStun(29, true, 5926017)).setPotionName("potion.stunPotion").setIconIndex(1, 0).func_111184_a(SharedMonsterAttributes.field_111265_b, "7107DE5E-7CE8-4030-940E-514C1F160890", -500D, 1);


to register it and


	par2EntityLivingBase.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(Advitems.stunPotion.id, 200, 200));


to use it on a sword

which stops them from seeing/attacking me but it also stops them moving

I want them to still be able to move but not be able to see me


I know I could just use Blindness, but I want to get this down in my own version, so I can control it a lot better


I just need to know how Blindness works first


can anyone help?


If the entity doesn't see you with the blindess effect thing going on and you still want them to move, then how exactly do you want them to move. Because if they don't see any targets they will just wander around randomly like they usually do, untill they see a target.


That's exactly how I want them to move. To move around as if they can't see me. Just wandering around randomly without a target.


The code I posted above stops them moving completely (for reasons I honestly don't understand) and stops them seeing me, so it half works, but they stop moving too...


That's in ticks, it lasts for 10 seconds (I think it is)

the second 200 is the only number I found that actually stops them from seeing me

well, I tried it up to 50 and they still saw me like normal, so I just ramped it up to 200

at which point they can't see me but they also can't move


Blindness doesn't affect mobs. They are AI, not a living player.

Blindness makes a player screen go dark, that is all.


So what you want is to remove the player entity from the target entity list of surrounding mobs.


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