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I want to synchronize some data from a container between server and client to display to the screen. I have been told that ContainerData is the best way of doing this but I have yet been unsuccessful implementing it.
I have tried to use the same method as in the AbstractFurnaceBlockEntity, AbstractFurnaceMenu and AbstractFurnaceScreen classes.


Here is some important code.

The ContainerData Instance

protected final ContainerData dataAccess = new ContainerData() {
        public int get(int index) {
            switch(index) {
                case 0:
                    return AutomatedProcessingBlockEntity.this.Progress;
                case 1:
                    return AutomatedProcessingBlockEntity.this.Goal;
                    return 0;

        public void set(int index, int value) {
            switch(index) {
                case 0:
                    AutomatedProcessingBlockEntity.this.Progress = value;
                case 1:
                    AutomatedProcessingBlockEntity.this.Goal = value;


        public int getCount() {
            return 2;


Where the affected values are updated (Yes it is being called because the items are being crafted)

 public void tickServer(BlockState state) {
        if (getRecipe().isPresent() && (PreviousRecipe==null || PreviousRecipe.isEmpty() || getRecipe().get() != PreviousRecipe.get())) {
            Goal = getRecipe().get().ticks;
        PreviousRecipe = getRecipe();
        if(energyStorage.hasSufficientPower() && getRecipe().isPresent()){
                Progress = 0;
            Progress = 0;

The Class of the menu

public abstract class AutomatedProcessingMenu extends ProcessingMenu {
    protected final ContainerData data;

    public AutomatedProcessingMenu(int ID, Inventory inv, BlockEntity entity, MenuType<?> container, int Size, Block block, ContainerData data) {
        super(ID, inv, entity, container, Size, block);
        this.data = data;

    public int getProgress(){ return  data.get(0); }
    public int getGoal(){ return  data.get(1); }

And finally where the data is actually used on the client in a screen

	protected void renderLabels(PoseStack matrixStack, int p_97809_, int p_97810_) {
		drawString(matrixStack, Minecraft.getInstance().font,   menu.getProgress()+"/"+menu.getGoal(), 10, 10, 0xffffff);
		super.renderLabels(matrixStack, p_97809_, p_97810_);

Am I doing something wrong in any of the code or is there something else causing it not working?

Thanks for the help!


Within your menu constructor, you need to call `#addDataSlots` and pass in the `ContainerData`. Otherwise, it will have no idea what to sync to the client.

Additionally, it's bad practice to pass in state data (`Block`, `BlockState`) in a menu since they are supposed to act as agnostic views for internal data, not for syncing the world data itself. That's why modders typically pass in the inventory or data slots instead of the actual object itself.

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