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So i created a custom model, and im rendering it to the player (im creating a hat) using the RenderLayer class, it renders correctly but it moves along with the body, not the head, it would be useful if im creating a backpack model but im not.


So I have to make it rotate with the head like a normal hat would, i grabbed the rotation code from "Hats" mod by IChun (by now is just the pitch for testing) but is not working

stack.rotate(Vector3f.XP.rotationDegrees(player.rotPitch)); //IChun solution


This is how it looks in-game: https://imgur.com/a/lbV3VUk (The shape doesnt matter, is just a test)

public class LivingEntityHatLayer<T extends LivingEntity> extends RenderLayer<T, EntityModel<T>> {

    private final List<HatData<T>> hats;
    public LivingEntityHatLayer(RenderLayerParent<T, EntityModel<T>> pRenderer, EntityModelSet modelSet) {
        hats = createHats(modelSet);

   //This is the important part
    public void render(PoseStack pose, MultiBufferSource pBuffer, int pPackedLight, T entity, float pLimbSwing, float pLimbSwingAmount, float pPartialTicks, float pAgeInTicks, float pNetHeadYaw, float pHeadPitch) {
        for(var entry : hats) {
            if(entity instanceof Player player) {
                if(player.isInvisible()) return;
                EntityModel<T> model = entry.getModel();
                VertexConsumer vertexConsumer = pBuffer.getBuffer(RenderType.entityCutout(entry.getModel().getTextureLocation()));
                pose.scale(entry.getScale().x(), entry.getScale().y(), entry.getScale().z());
                pose.mulPose(Vector3f.XP.rotationDegrees(player.rotPitch)); //This is where i need help

                model.prepareMobModel(entity, pLimbSwing, pLimbSwingAmount, pPartialTicks);
                model.setupAnim(entity, pLimbSwing, pLimbSwingAmount, pAgeInTicks, pNetHeadYaw, pHeadPitch);
                model.renderToBuffer(pose, vertexConsumer, pPackedLight,
                        LivingEntityRenderer.getOverlayCoords(entity, 0.0F),
                        1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);

    private List<HatData<T>> createHats(EntityModelSet modelSet) {
        List<HatData<T>> list = new ArrayList<>();
        list.add(new HatData<>("Dick", new DickHat<>(modelSet.bakeLayer(DickHat.LAYER_LOCATION)),
                new Vector3f(0,-1.65f,0),new Vector3f(0.75f,0.75f,0.75f),new Vector3f(0,0,0)));
        return list;


19 hours ago, ElTotisPro50 said:

So i created a custom model, and im rendering it to the player (im creating a hat) using the RenderLayer class, it renders correctly but it moves along with the body, not the head, it would be useful if im creating a backpack model but im not.

Just copy the properties of the head part to the hat. You can look at how the humanoid armor layer does it.

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