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[1.19] Baked Model working in inventory but not in world

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Hi, I have been closely following along with McJty's 1.18 tutorials. I am trying to make my own baked model in which a blockstate can be rendered inside. So far I have been able to render the actual model and textures but when I want to render a second blockstate inside the model it only appears in the hotbar, inventory and as a dropped item, when placing it on the ground as a block, it doesn't render.

(For debugging purposes, I have set the blockstate to render as an iron block)

I will include some pictures to better explain:8Fx9JF4.jpg

As you can see, the iron block is only visible when the item is dropped (or in the inventory) and not when it is placed as a block.

Files and Git Repo

Registration is done under the setup/Registration
The PlantVessel block and tile entity ascioated with the baked model are in block/PlantVessel and be/PlantVesselBE
The following file below is the bakedmodel (for more context this file is under the cient/model package)

package uk.co.jcox.advancedfarming.client.model;

import com.mojang.math.Matrix4f;
import com.mojang.math.Transformation;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderType;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.BakedQuad;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemOverrides;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.block.model.ItemTransforms;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.BakedModel;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.model.ModelState;
import net.minecraft.core.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.RandomSource;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.IDynamicBakedModel;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.IQuadTransformer;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.QuadTransformers;
import net.minecraftforge.client.model.data.ModelData;
import uk.co.jcox.advancedfarming.block.PlantVessel;
import uk.co.jcox.advancedfarming.util.ClientTools;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;

import static uk.co.jcox.advancedfarming.util.ClientTools.v;

public class PlantVesselBakedModel implements IDynamicBakedModel {

    private final ModelState modelState;
    private final Function<Material, TextureAtlasSprite> spriteGetter;
    private List<BakedQuad> quads = new ArrayList<>();
    private final ItemOverrides overrides;
    private final ItemTransforms itemTransforms;

    public PlantVesselBakedModel(ModelState modelState, Function<Material, TextureAtlasSprite> spriteGetter, ItemOverrides overrides, ItemTransforms itemTransforms) {
        this.modelState = modelState;
        this.spriteGetter = spriteGetter;
        this.overrides = overrides;
        this.itemTransforms = itemTransforms;


    public List<BakedQuad> getQuads(@Nullable BlockState state, @Nullable Direction side, @Nonnull RandomSource rand, @Nonnull ModelData extraData, @Nullable RenderType layer) {

        if (side != null || (layer != null && layer.equals(RenderType.solid()))) {
            return Collections.emptyList();

        List<BakedQuad> combined = new ArrayList<>(quads);
        combined.addAll(getQuadsOfIncubatingBlock(state, rand, extraData, layer));
        return combined;

    private void generateQuadCache() {
        Transformation rotation = modelState.getRotation();

        TextureAtlasSprite textureSide = spriteGetter.apply(PlantVesselModelLoader.MATERIAL_SIDE);
        TextureAtlasSprite textureBase = spriteGetter.apply(PlantVesselModelLoader.MATERIAL_BOTTOM);
        TextureAtlasSprite textureOutsideBase = spriteGetter.apply(PlantVesselModelLoader.MATERIAL_BASE);
        TextureAtlasSprite textureBottomBase = spriteGetter.apply(PlantVesselModelLoader.MATERIAL_BOTTOM_BASE);

        float l = 2f / 16f;
        float r = 14f / 16f;

        float a = 1;
        float b = 0;

        var quads = new ArrayList<BakedQuad>();
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(r, r, r), v(r, r, l), v(l, r, l), v(l, r, r), rotation, textureSide));      // Top side
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(a, l, a), v(a, l, b), v(b, l, b), v(b, l, a), rotation, textureBase));      // Inside texture
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(r, r, r), v(r, l, r), v(r, l, l), v(r, r, l), rotation, textureSide));
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(l, r, l), v(l, l, l), v(l, l, r), v(l, r, r), rotation, textureSide));
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(r, r, l), v(r, l, l), v(l, l, l), v(l, r, l), rotation, textureSide));
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(l, r, r), v(l, l, r), v(r, l, r), v(r, r, r), rotation, textureSide));

        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(b, b, b), v(a, b, b), v(a, b, a), v(b, b, a), rotation, textureOutsideBase));       //Outside

        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(b, l, b), v(b, b, b), v(b, b, a), v(b, l, a), rotation, textureBottomBase));
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(a, l, b), v(a, b, b), v(b, b, b), v(b, l, b), rotation, textureBottomBase));
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(b, l, a), v(b, b, a), v(a, b, a), v(a, l, a), rotation, textureBottomBase));
        quads.add(ClientTools.createQuad(v(a, l, a), v(a, b, a), v(a, b, b), v(a, l, b), rotation, textureBottomBase));

        this.quads = quads;

    private List<BakedQuad> getQuadsOfIncubatingBlock(@Nullable BlockState state, @Nullable RandomSource rand, @Nullable ModelData extraData, RenderType layer) {
        List<BakedQuad> incubatingBlockQuads = new ArrayList<>();

        BlockState crop = Blocks.IRON_BLOCK.defaultBlockState();

        if (crop != null && !(crop.getBlock() instanceof PlantVessel)) {
            if (layer == null || getRenderTypes(crop, rand, extraData).contains(layer)) {
                BakedModel model = Minecraft.getInstance().getBlockRenderer().getBlockModelShaper().getBlockModel(crop);

                try {
                    Transformation translate = new Transformation(Matrix4f.createScaleMatrix(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
                    IQuadTransformer transformer = QuadTransformers.applying(translate);

                    //Get the quad of every side, transform it, and add it to the list of quads to render
                    for (Direction s : Direction.values()) {
                        List<BakedQuad> modelQuads = model.getQuads(crop, s, rand, ModelData.EMPTY, layer);
                        for (BakedQuad quad : modelQuads) {
                } catch (Exception e) {

        return incubatingBlockQuads;

    public boolean usesBlockLight() {
        return false;

    public boolean useAmbientOcclusion() {
        return false;

    public boolean isGui3d() {
        return false;

    public boolean isCustomRenderer() {
        return false;

    public TextureAtlasSprite getParticleIcon() {
        return this.spriteGetter.apply(PlantVesselModelLoader.MATERIAL_SIDE);

    public ItemOverrides getOverrides() {
        return this.overrides;

    public ItemTransforms getTransforms() {
        return this.itemTransforms;

If anyone has an idea why this is happening that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Edited by JCox
Add mc version
  • JCox changed the title to [1.19] Baked Model working in inventory but not in world

I have just solved the issue. I knew it was going to be something really simple and it was.
In my ClientSetup.java I had set the render layer to be translucent.

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