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1.19.2 Golems not saving their persistant data after spawning from a packet[SOLVED]

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I am created a packet that spawns 3 golems and adds a timer to their persistant data along with the name of the owner who spawned them.

public boolean handle(Supplier<NetworkEvent.Context> supplier){
        NetworkEvent.Context context = supplier.get();
        context.enqueueWork(()-> {
            Player p = context.getSender();
                    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
                        IronGolem golem = (IronGolem) EntityType.IRON_GOLEM.spawn(p.createCommandSourceStack().getLevel(), null, null,
                                p.blockPosition(), MobSpawnType.MOB_SUMMONED, true, false);

                        golem.getPersistentData().putInt(XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_TIMER, Utils.Seconds(50));
                        golem.getPersistentData().putString(XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_OWNER, p.getScoreboardName());
                        golem.setCustomName(Component.literal(ChatFormatting.GOLD + "" + p.getScoreboardName() + "'s Defender"));

                    p.getPersistentData().putInt(XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_TIMER, Utils.Seconds(5));
                } else {
                    int time = p.getPersistentData().getInt(XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_TIMER);
                    Utils.Message(p, ChatFormatting.RED + "You cannot summon defenders right now, " + Utils.TicksToSeconds(time) + " seconds remaining.");

        return true;

the problem is when I call upon their data in an external class here

    public static void onLivingTick(LivingEvent.LivingTickEvent e){
        LivingEntity entity = e.getEntity();
        if(entity instanceof IronGolem){
                Mob mob = (Mob)entity;
                for(LivingEntity target : Utils.getNear(entity, 8)){
                    if(target instanceof Player || target instanceof Villager || target instanceof Wolf || target instanceof IronGolem){
                    } else {
                String owner = entity.getPersistentData().getString(XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_OWNER);
                for(String pNames : entity.getServer().getPlayerNames()){
                        Player p = entity.getServer().getPlayerList().getPlayerByName(owner);
                        if(entity.distanceTo(p) >= 7f){
                            entity.teleportTo(p.getBlockX(), p.getBlockY()+1, p.getBlockZ());

neither XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_TIMER nor XprtData.SALUS_DEFENDER_OWNER contain any data, for the timer it starts off at 0 when it should be (22*50) and defender owner should contain the players name which instead contains a blank.


This isnt my first time doing something like this, ive done it will illagers and it worked perfectly but when it comes to golems it doesnt work at all. I could do with it the timer killing them at -(22*50) but it wont help that i still need the owners name to teleport them to the owner if they move to far away. Any Ideas? Im calling this packet from a keybind by the way



I figured out the issue I accidentally had the same String name for both of the Strings so it kept overriding eachother

Edited by ChasePlays
  • ChasePlays changed the title to 1.19.2 Golems not saving their persistant data after spawning from a packet[SOLVED]

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