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Damage and Meta for Items?


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Hm.. I looked at the classes, but I don't understand them...


Additional problem: The different Items should have a damage-bar as well as they have multiple entries in the creative tabs, one for each meta (There are only 10). As far as I understood, this isn't possible this way. :(

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Class of the "Mega-Potion" (Quintessence):

package mod.classes.items;

import mod.Main;
import mod.classes.basic.ModItem;

public class ItemQuintessence extends ModItem {

 * Creates a Quintessence.
 * @param ID The ID of the Item
public ItemQuintessence(int ID) {

 * Creates a Quintessence and registers it to the GameRegistry.
 * @param ID The ID of the Item
 * @param UnlocalizedName The Name of the Item
public ItemQuintessence(int ID, String UnlocalizedName) {
	super(ID, UnlocalizedName);

Not much till now, I know...

ModItem class (To make constructing easier, nearly the same like Item.class)

package mod.classes.basic;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
import mod.Main;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IconRegister;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;

public class ModItem extends Item {

 * Creates an Item.
 * @param ID The ID of the Item
public ModItem(int ID) {

 * Creates an Item and registeres it to the GameRegistry.
 * @param ID The ID of the Item
 * @param UnlocalizedName The Name of the Item
public ModItem(int ID, String UnlocalizedName) {
	GameRegistry.registerItem(this, UnlocalizedName);

public void registerIcons(IconRegister iconRegister) {
	this.itemIcon = iconRegister.registerIcon(Main.modID + ":" + (this.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5)));

 * Sets the maximum size of a stack of this Item.
 * @param stackSize The maximum stack size
public ModItem _setMaxStackSize(int stackSize)
    this.maxStackSize = stackSize;
    return this;

protected ModItem _setHasSubtypes(boolean par1)
        this.hasSubtypes = par1;
        return this;

 * Sets the maximum damage of this Item before it will be destroyed.
 * @param maxDamage The maximum damage
public ModItem _setMaximumDamage(int maxDamage)
        return this;

public ModItem _setFull3D()
        this.bFull3D = true;
        return this;

 * Sets the unlocalized Name of this Item.
 * @param unlocalizedName The name
public ModItem _setUnlocalizedName(String unlocalizedName)
        return this;

public ModItem _setItemContainer(Item par1Item)
        return this;

public ModItem _setNoRepair()
        this.canRepair = false;
        return this;

 * Sets the creativeTab of this Item.
 * @param tab The creativeTab
public ModItem _setCreativeTab(CreativeTabs tab)
	return this;




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