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ETA on updated Beginners' Tutorials?


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I was just wondering: how long, roughly, can we expect to wait for the wiki's beginners' tutorials to be updated for the new way of things? I apparently chose a bad time to try to penetrate the MC modding community, but I've decided that I would rather learn to mod on Forge than on ModLoader.


The tutorials presented seem to be obsolete, and the thread explaining the new way Forge works didn't seem to be aimed at beginners. I only have a single college semester's object-oriented Java experience, so...


I would just love to know when they'll be updated, or if there are some other tutorials I should check out. Cheers, in any case.

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I was wondering the same thing. With the 1.3.1 patch combining SSP and SMP, and the totally new forge , and the fact that we will have a modding API in 1.4, this was probably a really bad time to start modding :(



However,  I've found a relatively decent tutorial for ModLoader at http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/960286-techguys-modding-tutorials/ that is almost fully updated to 1.3, I'd say about 90% updated. This should keep me going until the flames in the forge have settled down (see what I did there? :D)

The above views are my own. You can agree, and be correct, or disagree with them, I don't mind.


P.S: you'll be wrong if you do :)

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I was wondering the same thing. With the 1.3.1 patch combining SSP and SMP, and the totally new forge , and the fact that we will have a modding API in 1.4, this was probably a really bad time to start modding :(



However,  I've found a relatively decent tutorial for ModLoader at http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/960286-techguys-modding-tutorials/ that is almost fully updated to 1.3, I'd say about 90% updated. This should keep me going until the flames in the forge have settled down (see what I did there? :D)


I actually (now that I messed around with Forge 1.3.1 a bit), know a brief idea on how things are going to work. The new system is a lot cleaner than the old one. No more mod_XXX classes. Everything works via annotations.

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(a vain thing to ask on the Minecraft Forge forums, no doubt, but,) If there is going to be an official API in the next big update, would it be smarter for me to wait until then so I can learn from scratch in that system?

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A few things:

The official API will be incomplete, focused on server stuff only at first from what they said.

It is still a long *long* way away, they said many months at best.

Forge will still be necessary for many advanced functionality that the mod API could never really offer due to it being an abstraction.


Also, this has been talked to death all over the place and we are kind of tired of that question.

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Writer of the beginner tutorial on the wiki here. ;)

I am myself only just getting my hands into forge and learning it bit by bit. The reason I wrote that tutorial was because there is absolutely no good beginner help available for forge besides the open source ironchests mod so I wanted to change that bit by bit. The wiki beginner tutorial series will be updated and continued as soon as I feel confident enough in my knowledge of forge that I can provide a good starting point.

My tutorial series on the wiki has been discontinued until I get the hang of forge for 3.1.x and just everything from forge in general.

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