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2 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

You need to add a BlockEntityRenderer for the chest if you would like to do it exactly as vanilla. See ChestRenderer.

Okay, it worked, but I'm wondering how I can change the texture of the chest.


9 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Change the texture supplied to `#getTextureLocation`.

Well i don't see this method but i did something like this and it still doesn't work.

public class MilitaryChestRender extends ChestRenderer<MilitaryChestBlockEntity> {
    public static final Material CHEST_LOCATION = chestMaterial("normal");
    public static final Material CHEST_LOCATION_LEFT = chestMaterial("normal_left");
    public static final Material CHEST_LOCATION_RIGHT = chestMaterial("normal_right");

    public MilitaryChestRender(BlockEntityRendererProvider.Context pContext) {

    protected Material getMaterial(MilitaryChestBlockEntity blockEntity, ChestType chestType) {
        return chooseMaterial(chestType, CHEST_LOCATION, CHEST_LOCATION_LEFT, CHEST_LOCATION_RIGHT);

    public static Material chooseMaterial(ChestType pChestType, Material pDoubleMaterial, Material pLeftMaterial, Material pRightMaterial) {
        return switch (pChestType) {
            case LEFT -> pLeftMaterial;
            case RIGHT -> pRightMaterial;
            default -> pDoubleMaterial;

    public static Material chestMaterial(String chestName) {
        return new Material(Sheets.CHEST_SHEET, Helper.getRc("textures/entity/chest/" + chestName));



Ah, my bad. I forgot that the chest is not an entity. So, to answer your question, the resource location already knows its a texture so you don't need to specify the texture folder. Additionally, are your textures in the location you are specifying and inside the correct folder of the atlas?

23 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Ah, my bad. I forgot that the chest is not an entity. So, to answer your question, the resource location already knows its a texture so you don't need to specify the texture folder. Additionally, are your textures in the location you are specifying and inside the correct folder of the atlas?

My texture path is assets/apocaalypse/textures/entity/chest/norma.png and normal_lef.png and normal_right.png

And I changed the military chest render class to vanilla

event.registerBlockEntityRenderer(BlockEntityInit.MILITARY_CHEST.get(), ChestRenderer::new);


45 minutes ago, Squander said:

My texture path is assets/apocaalypse/textures/entity/chest/norma.png and normal_lef.png and normal_right.png

I'm going to assume what you provided is a misspelling and that those are normal, normal_left, and normal_right.

5 hours ago, Squander said:
public static Material chestMaterial(String chestName) {
        return new Material(Sheets.CHEST_SHEET, Helper.getRc("textures/entity/chest/" + chestName));

What does `Helper#getRc` do? Additionally, you don't need to specify `textures` in the resource location since the material already knows that's where textures are.

1 hour ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

I'm going to assume what you provided is a misspelling and that those are normal, normal_left, and normal_right.

What does `Helper#getRc` do? Additionally, you don't need to specify `textures` in the resource location since the material already knows that's where textures are.

Helper.getRc returns a new ResourceLocation instance with mod id

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