Redstone bag Forge - solved in Ver.
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I haven't been having this issue recently until now, but after a minute or two, opening the inventory is giving me an immediate crash:
I'm developing a dimension, but it's kinda resource intensive so some times during player teleporting it lags behind making the player phase down into the void, so im trying to implement some kind of pregeneration to force the game loading a small set of chunks in the are the player will teleport to. Some of the things i've tried like using ServerLevel and ServerChunkCache methods like getChunk() dont actually trigger chunk generation if the chunk isn't already on persistent storage (already generated) or placing tickets, but that doesn't work either. Ideally i should be able to check when the task has ended too. I've peeked around some pregen engines, but they're too complex for my current understanding of the system of which I have just a basic understanding (how ServerLevel ,ServerChunkCache and ChunkMap work) of. Any tips or other classes I should be looking into to understand how to do this correctly?
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