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I am using a modified MeleeAttackGoal to make an entity pick a random button, go to it and press it. But after a while it just stops and stares at the current button target. I found out that it's just staring at it because it's too far away to press it.  And its's not moving because the current path in the mob navigation is "done". If I move it further away it recalculates a non weird path and fixes itself. If I push it towards the button so it can press it, it sets the target to null, so it once again calculates a new path and fixes itself. What is causing the path to be "done"? And how can I fix this?

This is the tick method in the custom goal class:

public void tick() {
        if (mob.buttonTarget != null) {
            float x = mob.buttonTarget.getX();
            float y = mob.buttonTarget.getY();
            float z = mob.buttonTarget.getZ();
            float hx = x + 0.5f;
            float hy = y + 0.5f;
            float hz = z + 0.5f;
            mob.getLookControl().setLookAt(hx, hy, hz, 30.0F, 30.0F);
            double distSqr = mob.distanceToSqr(hx, hy, hz);
            ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation = Math.max(ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation - 1, 0);
            if ((followingTargetEvenIfNotSeen || hasLineOfSight(mob, mob.buttonTarget)) && ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation <= 0 && ((pathedTargetX == 0.0D && pathedTargetY == 0.0D && pathedTargetZ == 0.0D) || mob.buttonTarget.distSqr(new Vec3i(pathedTargetX, pathedTargetY, pathedTargetZ)) >= 1.0D || mob.getRandom().nextFloat() < 0.05F)) {
                pathedTargetX = hx;
                pathedTargetY = hy;
                pathedTargetZ = hz;
                ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation = 4 + mob.getRandom().nextInt(7);
                if (distSqr > 1024.0D) ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation += 10;
                else if (distSqr > 256.0D) ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation += 5;
                Path newPath = mob.getNavigation().createPath(mob.buttonTarget, 0);
                if (newPath != null && !newPath.canReach()) {
                    mob.buttonTarget = null;
                if (!mob.getNavigation().moveTo(newPath, speedModifier)) ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation += 15;
                ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation = adjustedTickDelay(ticksUntilNextPathRecalculation);
            ticksUntilNextAttack = Math.max(getTicksUntilNextAttack() - 1, 0);
            checkAndPerformAttack(mob.buttonTarget, distSqr);



It doesn't seem to be canContinueToUse, especially since it's just a check for if the button still exists.

But the moveTo method in the tick method returns false when in this broken state, it usually returns true.

It seems to be because mob.getNavigation().getPath() is "done", but I don't know how to fix it.

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