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Binding Item to custom Model <Minecraft 1.19.2>


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I created an SOUL_JAR Item that has been registered for each mob like - mod:soul_jar_minecraft_cow etc.. but it all has different registry names, i have a model file name soul_jar.json

and i want to know how to bind each of those items to this class (When mod iterates through all of vanilla mobs and registering items for them).


I didn't found any info about it because all of info is outdated, and forge docs is complicated asf (i wish there would be more examples) i also used AI but it showing me only outdated info, but theres some code where i registering my item and trying to bind it to model ->

public static void register(IEventBus eventBus){

        Set<ResourceLocation> entityKeyList = ForgeRegistries.ENTITY_TYPES.getKeys();

        for (ResourceLocation k : entityKeyList) {
            EntityType<?> entityType = ForgeRegistries.ENTITY_TYPES.getValue(k);
            if (!entityType.getCategory().equals(MobCategory.MISC)) {
                RegistryObject<Item> SOUL_JAR = ITEMS.register("soul_jar" + '_' + k.toString().replace(':', '_').replace('.', '_'), () ->
                        new JarItem(new Item.Properties().rarity(Rarity.RARE).tab(ModTabs.MAGICAL_OBSESSION_JARS), entityType));

                if (Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup() == SidedThreadGroups.CLIENT) {
                    ItemModelShaper itemModelShaper = Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer().getItemModelShaper();
                    itemModelShaper.register(SOUL_JAR.get().asItem(), new ModelResourceLocation("item.soul_jar", "inventory"));

I also have more questions like how to iterate through all other mods mobs also, or render mob inside of a jar in inventory, but i will try to figure it out.

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1 hour ago, Sq3xd said:

I created an SOUL_JAR Item that has been registered for each mob like - mod:soul_jar_minecraft_cow etc.. but it all has different registry names, i have a model file name soul_jar.json

and i want to know how to bind each of those items to this class (When mod iterates through all of vanilla mobs and registering items for them).


I didn't found any info about it because all of info is outdated, and forge docs is complicated asf (i wish there would be more examples) i also used AI but it showing me only outdated info, but theres some code where i registering my item and trying to bind it to model ->

public static void register(IEventBus eventBus){

        Set<ResourceLocation> entityKeyList = ForgeRegistries.ENTITY_TYPES.getKeys();

        for (ResourceLocation k : entityKeyList) {
            EntityType<?> entityType = ForgeRegistries.ENTITY_TYPES.getValue(k);
            if (!entityType.getCategory().equals(MobCategory.MISC)) {
                RegistryObject<Item> SOUL_JAR = ITEMS.register("soul_jar" + '_' + k.toString().replace(':', '_').replace('.', '_'), () ->
                        new JarItem(new Item.Properties().rarity(Rarity.RARE).tab(ModTabs.MAGICAL_OBSESSION_JARS), entityType));

                if (Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup() == SidedThreadGroups.CLIENT) {
                    ItemModelShaper itemModelShaper = Minecraft.getInstance().getItemRenderer().getItemModelShaper();
                    itemModelShaper.register(SOUL_JAR.get().asItem(), new ModelResourceLocation("item.soul_jar", "inventory"));

I also have more questions like how to iterate through all other mods mobs also, or render mob inside of a jar in inventory, but i will try to figure it out.

I've got no solution for this particular way. But may I suggest? You can create one singular item and store the entity's data using NBT or Capability.

It will make things easier and cleaner.

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