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How do I set the crafting size of a custom ShapedRecipe? [1.19.2]

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Posted (edited)

I want to create a custom recipe with a 5 by 5 grid. I extended the ShapedRecipe class as this seems to be the obivous route to take. (Or should I take a different approach perhaps?) The ShapedRecipe class has a setCraftingSize method. This is however a static method so I can't call it in the constructor of my custom recipe. Where and how should this method be called instead?

Edited by Myxtro
Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

In FMLCommonSetupEvent within the deferred work queue (#enqueueWork).


Like this?

    private void setup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event)
        event.enqueueWork(() -> {
            LargeCraftingRecipe.setCraftingSize(5, 5);


Edited by Myxtro
19 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Assuming you're attaching the event to the mod event bus. Though, if you are just using the unmodified crafting grid in terms of logic, you don't need a custom recipe, you just need to increase the base crafting table size.

The reason I'm doing this is because I don't want regular recipes to work on my custom 5 by 5 table. Only the recipes I create should be able to be crafted. Is there an easy way to achieve this?

2 hours ago, Myxtro said:

Is there an easy way to achieve this?

Technically, you can reuse the crafting recipe classes as long as you change the RecipeType since that's what determines whether the recipes can be used by a given system or not.

20 hours ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Technically, you can reuse the crafting recipe classes as long as you change the RecipeType since that's what determines whether the recipes can be used by a given system or not.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "reuse"? As there's a couple ways to interpret it.

Do you mean registering it with ShapedRecipe as the registry object? like so:

    public static final RegistryObject<RecipeSerializer<ShapedRecipe>> LARGE_GRID_SERIALIZER =
            SERIALIZERS.register("large_grid", () -> ShapedRecipe.Serializer.SHAPED_RECIPE);
//Do you mean to change ShapedRecipe.Serializer.SHAPED_RECIPE to something else?

Or do you mean copying the ShapedRecipe class and renaming it, then using that to register?

The way I currently do it is by having a custom class extend the ShapedRecipe class, but this comes with it's own set of problems which I rather avoid building crappy solutions for.

2 hours ago, Myxtro said:

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "reuse"? As there's a couple ways to interpret it.

Extend the class and override getRecipeType to return your own. Everything else can be exactly the same as vanilla, even the serializer (though you will have to register a second one so it deserializes to your recipe).

6 minutes ago, ChampionAsh5357 said:

Extend the class and override getRecipeType to return your own. Everything else can be exactly the same as vanilla, even the serializer (though you will have to register a second one so it deserializes to your recipe).

So this should work?

public class LargeGridRecipe extends ShapedRecipe {

    public RecipeType<?> getType() {
        return Type.INSTANCE;

    public static class Type implements RecipeType<LargeGridRecipe> {
        private Type() { }
        public static final Type INSTANCE = new Type();
        public static final String ID = "large_grid";



As a side question, do you perhaps know where I can find an example of how to check if a recipe is present in the BlockEntity? I know how to do this for shapeless recipes but it doesn't seem to work for a shaped recipe.

5 hours ago, Myxtro said:
public static class Type implements RecipeType<LargeGridRecipe> {
        private Type() { }
        public static final Type INSTANCE = new Type();
        public static final String ID = "large_grid";

You can just make an anonymous class and use the DeferredRegister to register the type the same way. Don't ever do static initialization.

5 hours ago, Myxtro said:

As a side question, do you perhaps know where I can find an example of how to check if a recipe is present in the BlockEntity? I know how to do this for shapeless recipes but it doesn't seem to work for a shaped recipe.

Look at the RecipeManager. Also, it has nothing to do with the difference of recipes. If your type doesn't have serializers for the recipe you want to handle, then no recipes of that type will be present. For example, shapeless recipes are tied to the crafting recipe type. The only way to get around that is to grab all the craft recipes and then check if the recipe is an instance of ShapelessRecipe.

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