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Alpine running Forge 43.1.65. Special case when launched trough custom wrapper API > STDOUT switching to ANSI code


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Problem description:

I have written a rest api with a friend to manage the minecraft session hosted on a Alpine 3.17 in Docker on a Synology NAS (DSM7) using dotnet7.
This is working perfectly on vanilla and also on forge in Windows when started trough the API.

The following applies only when I use Forge on my NAS.
This piece of code works for the first line => sending a welcome message (broadcasted).

            Task.WaitAll(RconWrapper.SendTitleAsync($"Welcome {playerJoined.PlayerName}", MinecraftColor.Yellow));
            Task.WaitAll(RconWrapper.SendMsgAsync(playerJoined.PlayerName, $"Say '{ApiCommand} {ApiHelpCommand}' for available commands"));

The second command never works on forge! It does however on Vanilla minecraft.

This seems to be due to the ANSI escape codes beeing send to STDOUT while runnning it with the script. 
I am relaying the buffer stream to a custom out and error string list. When I retrieve this list with Swagger I get this (notice the starting sequence):

  "\u001b[m\u001b[33m[09:35:44] [main/WARN] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /freshforge/libraries/net/minecraftforge/mclanguage/1.19.2-43.1.65/mclanguage-1.19.2-43.1.65.jar is missing mods.toml file",
  "\u001b[m\u001b[32m[09:35:44] [main/INFO] [ne.mi.fm.lo.mo.JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: No dependencies to load found. Skipping!"

First I believed this must have something to do with Alpine using musl etc.? I tried altering the script to use bash instead of sh but still I get next line escape sequences.
Now, even after filtering the escape sequence in the api, the second command never reaches the server.

This makes sense because obviously something is happening internally after sending the command.
I am a bit at a loss on how to proceed, since troubleshooting on the live machine is no simple task. And I am unfamiliar with what the script does or rather, what the forge jar does!

This is my starting sequence right now with altered run.sh to run and using bash 

                var workingDir = "/freshforge";
                var executable = "bash";
                var args = "run";

I have tried normalizing the send string to ensure it is correctly send. Also tried enforcing unicode from java options, also tried changing the xterm to xterm-mono to avoid it sending ANSI code for coloring,..

Any insight on how to avoid funky behavior when wrapping this script would be appreciated.

EDIT: The problem was that C# was keeping the ANSI escape codes even when normalizing. After a regex replace the problem was resolved. However, the original question remains interesting. Solution => Regex.Replace(line, @"\e\[(\d+;)*(\d+)?[ABCDHJKfmsu]", "");
This actually applies to a number of other situations where you need to get console data out of Linux.
Source:             // Correct regex from : https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/635f240a-e586-4a79-8350-b85111365366/how-can-i-strip-off-control-characters-from-a-string?forum=csharpgeneral

Edited by Arythmathicc
The problem was that C# was internally keeping the ANSI escape codes even after normalizing and what not. After a regex replace the problem was resolved. However, the original question remains interesting to avoid the scenario alltogheter.
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