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[1.16.5] Capability cannot be casted


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Iam using two mods and they are crashing

java.lang.ClassCastException: nonamecrackers2.witherstormmod.client.capability.PlayerScreenBlinder cannot be cast to com.bottomtextdanny.dannys_expansion.core.capabilities.player.DannyEntityCap

So iam trying to fix both with mixin, but i legit cant find the reason since i never had a Capability crash on my mods , that is how they registry a capabilitie


    modid = "dannys_expansion"
public class DannyEntityCap implements INBTSerializable<CompoundNBT>, ICapabilityProvider {
    private final AccessoryInventory accessories = new AccessoryInventory(5);
    public boolean accessoriesNeedSync;
    private float recoil;
    private float prevRecoil;
    private float recoilSubstract;
    private float recoilMultiplier;
    private int holdableProgression;
    private int prevHoldableProgression;
    public ItemStack dannyActiveItemstack;
    private int itemSlot;
    public static Capability<DannyEntityCap> GUN_STABILITY = null;

    public DannyEntityCap() {

    public float getPrevRecoil() {
        return this.prevRecoil;

    public void setPrevRecoil(float f) {
        this.prevRecoil = f;

    public float getRecoilMult() {
        return this.recoilMultiplier;

    public void setRecoilMult(float f) {
        this.recoilMultiplier = f;

    public float getRecoilSub() {
        return this.recoilSubstract;

    public void setRecoilSub(float f) {
        this.recoilSubstract = f;

    public float getRecoil() {
        return this.recoil;

    public void setRecoil(float f) {
        this.recoil = f;

    public int getHoldableProgression() {
        return this.holdableProgression;

    public void setHoldableProgression(int i) {
        this.holdableProgression = i;

    public int getItemSlot() {
        return this.itemSlot;

    public void setItemSlot(int i) {
        this.itemSlot = i;

    public int getPrevHoldableProgression() {
        return this.prevHoldableProgression;

    public void setPrevHoldableProgression(int i) {
        this.prevHoldableProgression = i;

    public AccessoryInventory getAccessories() {
        return this.accessories;

    public void setAccessory(int index, ItemStack itemStack) {
        this.accessories.setItem(index, itemStack);

    public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(@Nonnull Capability<T> cap, @Nullable Direction side) {
        return cap == GUN_STABILITY ? LazyOptional.of(() -> {
            return this;
        }).cast() : LazyOptional.empty();

    public CompoundNBT serializeNBT() {
        CompoundNBT nbt = new CompoundNBT();
        nbt.putInt("player_item_progression", this.getHoldableProgression());
        nbt.putInt("player_item", this.getItemSlot());

        for(int i = 0; i < this.accessories.getContainerSize(); ++i) {
            CompoundNBT itemNBT = this.accessories.getItem(i).serializeNBT();
            CompoundNBT accessoryNBT = ((Accessory)this.accessories.getAccessoryInstances().get(i)).write();
            nbt.put("accessory_item_" + i, itemNBT);
            nbt.put("accessory_" + i, accessoryNBT);

        return nbt;

    public void deserializeNBT(CompoundNBT nbt) {

        for(int i = 0; i < this.accessories.getContainerSize(); ++i) {
            ItemStack stack = ItemStack.EMPTY;
            INBT itemNBT = nbt.get("accessory_item_" + i);
            if (itemNBT != null) {
                stack = ItemStack.of((CompoundNBT)itemNBT);

            this.accessories.setItem(i, stack);
            ((Accessory)this.accessories.getAccessoryInstances().get(i)).read(nbt.getCompound("accessory_" + i));



And other


    public static void attachEntityCapabilities(AttachCapabilitiesEvent<Entity> event) {
        Entity entity = (Entity)event.getObject();
        if (entity instanceof ClientPlayerEntity) {
            ClientPlayerEntity player = (ClientPlayerEntity)entity;
            final LazyOptional<PlayerCameraShaker> cameraShaker = LazyOptional.of(() -> {
                return new PlayerCameraShaker(player);
            event.addCapability(new ResourceLocation("witherstormmod", "camera_shaker"), new ICapabilityProvider() {
                public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(Capability<T> capability, Direction side) {
                    return capability == WitherStormModClientCapabilities.CAMERA_SHAKER ? cameraShaker.cast() : LazyOptional.empty();
            final LazyOptional<PlayerScreenBlinder> screenBlinder = LazyOptional.of(PlayerScreenBlinder::new);
            event.addCapability(new ResourceLocation("witherstormmod", "blinder"), new ICapabilityProvider() {
                public <T> LazyOptional<T> getCapability(Capability<T> capability, Direction side) {
                    return capability == WitherStormModClientCapabilities.SCREEN_BLINDER ? screenBlinder.cast() : LazyOptional.empty();



Erros happens on calls like that


DannyEntityCap capability = (DannyEntityCap)entityIn.getCapability(DannyEntityCap.GUN_STABILITY).orElse((Object)null);


Both codes are open sourced, just want to fix and run on my modpack.

Edited by Tener
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