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[COMMISSION] Looking for a modder to make a comprehensive vehicle mod template for 1.12.2.

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This is my first post on the Forge forums, so if this isn’t in the right place I apologize. 

I’ve been part of a very small MC political sim server known as Fulda for the past 5ish years. We’ve done a variety of modpacks created by our server admin Mocpages over that course of time– a few notable examples being Medieval, Lord of the Rings, Modern, and Cold War. While politics and factories/ infrastructure is emphasized as the main point of this server, conflict inevitably happens, and in the instances of the Cold War and Modern modpacks, our server has been forced to use very old versions of Minecraft to accommodate all of the vehicles we need. It  has left us in a bind as how to continue making modpacks when the vehicle mods we had in the past are no longer available in new versions. There are some vehicle mods that are made for later versions (Immersive vehicles specifically), but they aren’t realistic enough for what we want. 

So, we need a vehicle mod. I and others on the Fulda server are willing to pay money to see this task completed, but our development team is not extremely well versed in java and none of us have the skills required. 

What we want:

We want a template for 4 different vehicle types; Airplane, Helicopter, Civilian Vehicle, and Military Vehicle. These templates don’t have to be a specific vehicle– they just need to be able to be duplicated and modified in such a way that they can be made into specific types by whoever is using the mod. The “Duplicate” vehicles can be added or removed without tampering with the main mod, with each new vehicle or group of vehicles essentially being add-on packs, Like how you can plug Sonic and Knuckles into Sonic 3. The vehicles will need to be rendered using OBJ files– so we can input models from a program like Blender into the game. As cool as voxel type models are, we want realistic looking vehicles, which means triangles instead of cubes like the current version of Minecraft’s built in model rendering system.

The specifics of the commission are detailed below. 


SECTION 1: Vehicle Type Specifics

All of the Vehicles will share certain generic characteristics. They will all need to be able to accommodate one or more players, and will be controlled with a combination of the WASD keys and the Mouse, plus or minus a few extra buttons for certain actions. The Shift key will be the default for dismounting, like other Minecraft mountables. They all will need to be able to take damage, and preferably, have a way to repair said damage through either a GUI or an item like a wrench. They will also all need a way to add or remove fuel. 


-Airplane: This entity will need to be able to leave the ground consistently while being controlled by a single player. The Airplane will need to obey some semblance of real world physics of a real airplane– They will not be able to take off vertically like a helicopter can, and will instead need to be driving along a flat surface at sufficient speed before lifting off. The W and S keys will throttle the engines up and down, while the A and D keys will control roll. The Airplane will follow the movement of the mouse for pitch and yaw, with the nose of the airplane pointing where the mouse cursor is currently located. If the engines are throttled to zero, the plane will glide and descend until it reaches the ground. 


-Helicopter: Unlike the Airplane, this vehicle will be able to take off vertically without needing a runway. It will obey the same key configurations as the Airplane. Also unlike the airplane, If the engines are throttled to zero, the Helicopter will drop from the sky like a rock. In order to land you will need some throttle slowly decreasing before landing on the ground. There will also need to be a limit on the amount of roll that can be sustained before crashing. A good example for control configuration is the helicopters from Rust. 


-Civilian Vehicle: This entity will need to be able to drive along the ground, being able to ascend or descend up and down hills in 1 block increments. The controls will be slightly different than the air vehicles. W and S will be forward and reverse, while A and D will turn the vehicle left or right. The mouse will be able to turn the player inside to freely look around instead of being responsible for controlling a part of the movement. 


-Military Vehicle: This entity is, functionally, exactly the same as the civilian vehicle, with the addition of a second control point. As well as the driver, Military vehicles will have a second seat where a separate player can control a mounted weapon of some kind using the mouse. The weapons will obey the layout listed below. 


SECTION 2: Weapons

All of the Vehicles, sans the Civilian Vehicle, will have the option to have weaponry of some kind. These weapons fall into 2 categories; Projectile weapons, and deployed weapons. These weapons will be used with the left and right mouse buttons, and can be rotated between using the middle mouse button scroll, if the vehicles have more than one weapon. Weapons MUST be able to damage other vehicles and destroy blocks. 


Machine Guns: Projectile weapon. Can damage other vehicles and players/ entities, but cannot break blocks. High rate of fire. 

Missiles/ Cannons: Projectile weapon. While these two are technically two very different weapons, for the sake of the mod, they’re basically the same. Large projectile with a high reload time, causes an explosion on impact that breaks blocks. Preferably has some kind of smoke trail so you can see where it’s going. 

Bombs: Deployed weapon. These weapons are specifically for the Airplane, so you don’t need to worry about adding it to any of the other vehicles. When deployed, the bomb will travel from the underside of the plane carrying it, then explode upon hitting the ground. Destroys blocks. 

Distribution of Weapons:

-Airplane: Has the option to be equipped with all three weapon types. 

-Helicopter: Has the option for Machine guns and Missiles/ Cannons, but not bombs. 

-Military Vehicle: Has the option for Machine guns and Missiles/ Cannons, but not bombs. 


SECTION 3: Inventories and GUI

All the vehicles should be able to have a GUI to access inventory space, like horses or donkeys from the base game. These inventories will be where you load ammunition for vehicles with weapons, as well as input for fuel for all vehicles. Some vehicles will need extra inventory space for cargo– for instance, a semi truck or cargo plane will have a large inventory that can contain any item, while a small plane wont have any space to put extra goods in. 


SECTION 4: Accessibility and Configurability 

All of the values above need to be configurable in some way. This means vehicle health, weapon projectile damage, range of weaponry, speed of movement,  models, inventory space on the vehicles, the amount of seats a vehicle has for players, fuel consumption, etc, need to be modifiable so we can fine tune how we want specific vehicles to function. A sports car, for instance, will have little inventory space, high speed, and low health– crashing into something would make it explode. On the other hand, an armored transport truck will guzzle fuel, have a lot of inventory space, and go relatively slow– as well as being able to take some punishment. We don’t want all of the vehicles to behave the same. Also, for multi-seated vehicles, being able to move where seats go is important. The last thing we want is someone’s head sticking through the roof of a car or right on top of whoever is driving the vehicle. 


SECTION 5: Extras

If possible, we’d like to be able to tow vehicles using another vehicle, or set them on top of lets say, an Immersive Railroading flatbed car and have them stay put when the train moves. This is very low priority but being able to move vehicles around our world map using a train would be pretty cool. 


A paint bucket tool would also be nice. Right clicking a vehicle with the item will cycle through available colors for that vehicle, so we can have a rainbow of colors for cars without needing to make an entirely new vehicle data entry for a red car or a blue car. Coincidentally enough Immersive Railroading, which I mentioned before, has that functionality for some of it’s locomotives. 


THIS IS A PAID PROJECT. We are looking for quotes. For Inquiries, contact me here: 


Discord (Preferred): QuantumKn1ght#8732

Or, if that doesn’t work,

Gmail: [email protected] 






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    • [30Jan2025 13:41:57. 714] [main/INFO] [cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher running: args [--launchTarget, arclightserver, --fml. forgeVersion, 47. 3. 22, --fml. mcVersion, 1. 20. 1, --fml. forgeGroup, net. minecraftforge, --fml. mcpVersion, 20230612. 114412, nogui] 14[30Jan2025 13:41:57. 715] [main/INFO] [cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher/MODLAUNCHER]: ModLauncher 10. 0. 9+10. 0. 9+main. dcd20f30 starting: java version 17. 0. 13 by Eclipse Adoptium; OS Linux arch amd64 version 5. 15. 0-131-generic 15[30Jan2025 13:41:58. 774] [main/INFO] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. ImmediateWindowHandler/]: ImmediateWindowProvider not loading because launch target is arclightserver 16[30Jan2025 13:41:58. 804] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0. 8. 5 Source=union:/server/libraries/org/spongepowered/mixin/0. 8. 5/mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/ Service=ModLauncher Env=SERVER 17[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 305] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/fmlcore/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/fmlcore-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 18[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 308] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/javafmllanguage/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/javafmllanguage-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 19[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 309] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/lowcodelanguage/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/lowcodelanguage-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 20[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 311] [main/WARN] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. ModFileParser/LOADING]: Mod file /server/libraries/net/minecraftforge/mclanguage/1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22/mclanguage-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar is missing mods. toml file 21[30Jan2025 13:41:59. 572] [main/INFO] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. moddiscovery. JarInJarDependencyLocator/]: Found 15 dependencies adding them to mods collection 22[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 300] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Compatibility level set to JAVA_17 23[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 507] [main/ERROR] [mixin/]: Mixin config mixins. megamons-common. json does not specify "minVersion" property 24[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 621] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [de. maxhenkel. tradecycling. MixinConnector] 25[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 625] [main/INFO] [mixin/]: Successfully loaded Mixin Connector [io. izzel. arclight. common. mod. ArclightConnector] 26[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 696] [main/INFO] [Arclight/]: Arclight core mixin added. 27[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 708] [main/INFO] [Arclight/]: Arclight optimization mixin added. 28[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 712] [main/INFO] [cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler/MODLAUNCHER]: Launching target 'arclightserver' with arguments [nogui] 29[30Jan2025 13:42:04. 982] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'handcrafted-forge-1. 20. 1-forge-refmap. json' for handcrafted. mixins. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 30[30Jan2025 13:42:05. 003] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'megamons-forge-refmap. json' for mixins. megamons-forge. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 31[30Jan2025 13:42:05. 021] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'CreateLiquidFuel. refmap. json' for createliquidfuel. mixins. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 32[30Jan2025 13:42:05. 029] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Reference map 'chiselsandbits. refmap. json' for chisels-and-bits. mixins. json could not be read. If this is a development environment you can ignore this message 33[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 109] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: com/copycatsplus/copycats/content/copycat/slab/CopycatSlabBlock (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. slab. CopycatSlabBlock) 34[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 109] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. slab. CopycatSlabBlock was not found create_connected. mixins. json:compat. CopycatBlockMixin 35[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 112] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: com/copycatsplus/copycats/content/copycat/board/CopycatBoardBlock (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. board. CopycatBoardBlock) 36[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 112] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target com. copycatsplus. copycats. content. copycat. board. CopycatBoardBlock was not found create_connected. mixins. json:compat. CopycatBlockMixin 37[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 154] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: me/jellysquid/mods/lithium/common/ai/pathing/PathNodeDefaults (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: me. jellysquid. mods. lithium. common. ai. pathing. PathNodeDefaults) 38[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 212] [main/ERROR] [net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. RuntimeDistCleaner/DISTXFORM]: Attempted to load class com/simibubi/create/foundation/gui/AbstractSimiScreen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER 39[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 213] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: com/simibubi/create/foundation/gui/AbstractSimiScreen (java. lang. RuntimeException: Attempted to load class com/simibubi/create/foundation/gui/AbstractSimiScreen for invalid dist DEDICATED_SERVER) 40[30Jan2025 13:42:06. 213] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target com. simibubi. create. foundation. gui. AbstractSimiScreen was not found create_connected. mixins. json:sequencedgearshift. AbstractSimiScreenAccessor 41[30Jan2025 13:42:07. 237] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Error loading class: juuxel/adorn/block/variant/BlockVariantSets (java. lang. ClassNotFoundException: juuxel. adorn. block. variant. BlockVariantSets) 42[30Jan2025 13:42:07. 237] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Mixin target juuxel. adorn. block. variant. BlockVariantSets was not found mixins. cobblemon-common. json:invoker. AdornRegisterInvoker 43[30Jan2025 13:42:11. 158] [main/INFO] [MixinExtras|Service/]: Initializing MixinExtras via com. llamalad7. mixinextras. service. MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0. 3. 5). 44[30Jan2025 13:42:20. 266] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Static binding violation: PRIVATE @Overwrite method m_147092_ in mixins. arclight. core. json:world. entity. ExperienceOrbMixin cannot reduce visibiliy of PUBLIC target method, visibility will be upgraded. 45[30Jan2025 13:42:21. 288] [main/ERROR] [net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer/COREMOD]: Error occurred applying transform of coremod coremods/field_to_method. js function biome 46java. lang. IllegalStateException: Field f_47437_ is not private and an instance field 47at net. minecraftforge. coremod. api. ASMAPI. redirectFieldToMethod(ASMAPI. java:1069) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 48at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. scripts. Script$Recompilation$22$292A$\^eval\_. initializeCoreMod#transformer(:11) ~[?:?] {} 49at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunctionData. invoke(ScriptFunctionData. java:648) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 50at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunction. invoke(ScriptFunction. java:513) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 51at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptRuntime. apply(ScriptRuntime. java:520) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 52at org. openjdk. nashorn. api. scripting. ScriptObjectMirror. call(ScriptObjectMirror. java:111) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 53at net. minecraftforge. coremod. NashornFactory. lambda$getFunction$0(NashornFactory. java:37) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:5. 2. 4] {} 54at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:22) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 55at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:14) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 56at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer. transform(CoreModBaseTransformer. java:60) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 57at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformerHolder. transform(TransformerHolder. java:41) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 58at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. performVote(ClassTransformer. java:179) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 59at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. transform(ClassTransformer. java:117) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 60at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader. java:50) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 61at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. getMaybeTransformedClassBytes(ModuleClassLoader. java:250) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 62at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. buildTransformedClassNodeFor(TransformingClassLoader. java:58) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 63at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchPluginHandler. lambda$announceLaunch$10(LaunchPluginHandler. java:100) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 64at org. spongepowered. asm. launch. MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. getClassNode(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. java:222) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 65at org. spongepowered. asm. launch. MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. getClassNode(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. java:207) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 66at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. ClassInfo. forName(ClassInfo. java:2005) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 67at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. ClassInfo. forType(ClassInfo. java:2059) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 68at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. ClassInfo. forDescriptor(ClassInfo. java:2038) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 69at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. transformMethod(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:752) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 70at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. transform(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:739) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 71at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. attach(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:310) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 72at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinPreProcessorStandard. createContextFor(MixinPreProcessorStandard. java:280) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 73at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinInfo. createContextFor(MixinInfo. java:1288) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 74at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinApplicatorStandard. apply(MixinApplicatorStandard. java:292) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 75at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. TargetClassContext. apply(TargetClassContext. java:383) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 76at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. TargetClassContext. applyMixins(TargetClassContext. java:365) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 77at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinProcessor. applyMixins(MixinProcessor. java:363) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 78at org. spongepowered. asm. mixin. transformer. MixinTransformer. transformClass(MixinTransformer. java:250) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 79at org. spongepowered. asm. service. modlauncher. MixinTransformationHandler. processClass(MixinTransformationHandler. java:131) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 80at org. spongepowered. asm. launch. MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. processClass(MixinLaunchPluginLegacy. java:131) ~[mixin-0. 8. 5. jar%2399!/:0. 8. 5+Jenkins-b310. git-155314e6e91465dad727e621a569906a410cd6f4] {} 81at cpw. mods. modlauncher. serviceapi. ILaunchPluginService. processClassWithFlags(ILaunchPluginService. java:156) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:10. 0. 9+10. 0. 9+main. dcd20f30] {} 82at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchPluginHandler. offerClassNodeToPlugins(LaunchPluginHandler. java:88) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 83at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. transform(ClassTransformer. java:120) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 84at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader. java:50) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 85at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. readerToClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:113) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 86at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. lambda$findClass$15(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 87at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadFromModule(ModuleClassLoader. java:229) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 88at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. findClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 89at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:135) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 90at java. lang. ClassLoader. loadClass(ClassLoader. java:525) ~[?:?] {} 91at net. minecraft. core. GlobalPos. m_122641_(GlobalPos. java:11) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading} 92at com. mojang. serialization. codecs. RecordCodecBuilder. create(RecordCodecBuilder. java:72) ~[datafixerupper-6. 0. 8. jar%23111!/:?] {} 93at net. minecraft. core. GlobalPos. (GlobalPos. java:11) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading} 94at net. minecraft. world. entity. ai. memory. MemoryModuleType. (MemoryModuleType. java:32) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B} 95at net. minecraft. world. entity. animal. frog. Tadpole. (TadpoleMixin. java:53) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:world. entity. animal. frog. TadpoleMixin, pl:mixin:A} 96at net. minecraft. world. entity. EntityType. (EntityTypeMixin. java:267) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, re:classloading, xf:fml:forge:forge_method_redirector, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:world. entity. EntityTypeMixin, pl:mixin:A} 97at net. minecraft. world. item. Items. (Items. java:754) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:object_holder_definalize:A, re:classloading, pl:object_holder_definalize:A} 98at net. minecraft. world. level. block. ComposterBlock. m_51988_(ComposterBlockMixin. java:60) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:world. level. block. ComposterBlockMixin, pl:mixin:A} 99at net. minecraft. server. Bootstrap. m_135870_(BootstrapMixin. java:47) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:server. BootstrapMixin, pl:mixin:A} 100at net. minecraft. server. Main. main(Main. java:121) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, pl:mixin:A} 101at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 102at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 103at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 104at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 105at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. runTarget(CommonLaunchHandler. java:111) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 106at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. serverService(CommonLaunchHandler. java:103) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 107at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonServerLaunchHandler. lambda$makeService$0(CommonServerLaunchHandler. java:27) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 108at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. java:30) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 109at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:53) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 110at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:71) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 111at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. run(Launcher. java:108) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 112at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:78) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 113at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:26) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 114at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:23) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 115at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. ApplicationBootstrap. accept(ApplicationBootstrap. java:46) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 116at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 117at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 118at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 119at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 120at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. BootstrapTransformer. onInvoke$BootstrapLauncher(BootstrapTransformer. java:26) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 121at cpw. mods. bootstraplauncher. BootstrapLauncher. main(BootstrapLauncher. java:141) ~[bootstraplauncher-1. 1. 2. jar:?] {} 122at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 123at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 124at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 125at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 126at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. Main_Forge. main(Main_Forge. java:33) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 127at io. izzel. arclight. server. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:18) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 128[30Jan2025 13:42:21. 327] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: @Inject(@At("INVOKE_ASSIGN")) Shift. BY=2 on refurbished_furniture. common. mixins. json:LevelChunkMixin::handler$zjk000$refurbishedFurniture$AfterRemoveBlockEntity exceeds the maximum allowed value: 0. Increase the value of maxShiftBy to suppress this warning. 129[30Jan2025 13:42:22. 457] [main/WARN] [mixin/]: Mixin alexscaves. mixins. json:SwampHutPieceMixin has multiple constructors, (Lnet/minecraft/world/level/levelgen/structure/pieces/StructurePieceType; IIIIIILnet/minecraft/core/Direction; )V was selected 130 131[30Jan2025 13:42:22. 601] [main/ERROR] [net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer/COREMOD]: Error occurred applying transform of coremod coremods/field_to_method. js function biome 132java. lang. IllegalStateException: Field f_47437_ is not private and an instance field 133at net. minecraftforge. coremod. api. ASMAPI. redirectFieldToMethod(ASMAPI. java:1069) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 134at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. scripts. Script$Recompilation$22$292A$\^eval\_. initializeCoreMod#transformer(:11) ~[?:?] {} 135at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunctionData. invoke(ScriptFunctionData. java:648) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 136at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptFunction. invoke(ScriptFunction. java:513) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 137at org. openjdk. nashorn. internal. runtime. ScriptRuntime. apply(ScriptRuntime. java:520) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 138at org. openjdk. nashorn. api. scripting. ScriptObjectMirror. call(ScriptObjectMirror. java:111) ~[nashorn-core-15. 4. jar%23100!/:?] {} 139at net. minecraftforge. coremod. NashornFactory. lambda$getFunction$0(NashornFactory. java:37) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:5. 2. 4] {} 140at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:22) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 141at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModClassTransformer. runCoremod(CoreModClassTransformer. java:14) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 142at net. minecraftforge. coremod. transformer. CoreModBaseTransformer. transform(CoreModBaseTransformer. java:60) ~[coremods-5. 2. 4. jar%2388!/:?] {} 143at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformerHolder. transform(TransformerHolder. java:41) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 144at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. performVote(ClassTransformer. java:179) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 145at cpw. mods. modlauncher. ClassTransformer. transform(ClassTransformer. java:117) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 146at cpw. mods. modlauncher. TransformingClassLoader. maybeTransformClassBytes(TransformingClassLoader. java:50) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 147at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. readerToClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:113) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 148at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. lambda$findClass$15(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 149at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadFromModule(ModuleClassLoader. java:229) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 150at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. findClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:219) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 151at cpw. mods. cl. ModuleClassLoader. loadClass(ModuleClassLoader. java:135) ~[securejarhandler-2. 1. 10. jar:?] {} 152at java. lang. ClassLoader. loadClass(ClassLoader. java:525) ~[?:?] {} 153at net. minecraft. world. level. biome. FixedBiomeSource. (FixedBiomeSource. java:17) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading} 154at net. minecraft. world. level. biome. BiomeSources. m_220586_(BiomeSources. java:8) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading} 155at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_258029_(BuiltInRegistries. java:448) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 156at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_258037_(BuiltInRegistries. java:462) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 157at java. util. LinkedHashMap. forEach(LinkedHashMap. java:721) ~[?:?] {} 158at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_257453_(BuiltInRegistries. java:461) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 159at net. minecraft. core. registries. BuiltInRegistries. m_257498_(BuiltInRegistries. java:455) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:classloading, re:mixin} 160at net. minecraft. server. Bootstrap. m_135870_(BootstrapMixin. java:55) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, re:classloading, pl:mixin:APP:mixins. arclight. core. json:server. BootstrapMixin, pl:mixin:A} 161at net. minecraft. server. Main. main(Main. java:121) ~[server-1. 20. 1-20230612. 114412-srg. jar%23247!/:?] {re:mixin, pl:accesstransformer:B, re:classloading, pl:accesstransformer:B, pl:mixin:A} 162at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 163at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 164at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 165at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 166at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. runTarget(CommonLaunchHandler. java:111) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 167at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonLaunchHandler. serverService(CommonLaunchHandler. java:103) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 168at net. minecraftforge. fml. loading. targets. CommonServerLaunchHandler. lambda$makeService$0(CommonServerLaunchHandler. java:27) ~[fmlloader-1. 20. 1-47. 3. 22. jar%23103!/:?] {} 169at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. launch(LaunchServiceHandlerDecorator. java:30) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 170at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:53) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 171at cpw. mods. modlauncher. LaunchServiceHandler. launch(LaunchServiceHandler. java:71) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 172at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. run(Launcher. java:108) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 173at cpw. mods. modlauncher. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:78) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 174at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:26) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 175at cpw. mods. modlauncher. BootstrapLaunchConsumer. accept(BootstrapLaunchConsumer. java:23) ~[modlauncher-10. 0. 9. jar%2389!/:?] {} 176at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. ApplicationBootstrap. accept(ApplicationBootstrap. java:46) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 177at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 178at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 179at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 180at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 181at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. BootstrapTransformer. onInvoke$BootstrapLauncher(BootstrapTransformer. java:26) ~[arclight. jar:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 182at cpw. mods. bootstraplauncher. BootstrapLauncher. main(BootstrapLauncher. java:141) ~[bootstraplauncher-1. 1. 2. jar:?] {} 183at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:?] {} 184at jdk. internal. reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl. java:77) ~[?:?] {} 185at jdk. internal. reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. java:43) ~[?:?] {} 186at java. lang. reflect. Method. invoke(Method. java:569) ~[?:?] {} 187at io. izzel. arclight. boot. application. Main_Forge. main(Main_Forge. java:33) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {} 188at io. izzel. arclight. server. Launcher. main(Launcher. java:18) ~[arclight. jar%2383!/:arclight-1. 20. 1-1. 0. 6-SNAPSHOT-c1e6367] {}
    • Welp, It doesn't crash but for some reason I broke pickaxes. They just wont work. The game behaves as if my hand was empty. Wtf is going on
    • Oh yeah, dammit. There's the duplicate mod. It works now
    • Making a modpack and crashing but can't find the mod thats the issue. I don't really want to have to try checking them one by one again.    This is the error: https://imgur.com/a/AB1LeBK And this the mod list: https://imgur.com/a/xBPhGdO  
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