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How to create animated custom entities for techniques using Forge 1.18.2 GeckoLib3


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I would like to use GeckoLib3 to create animated custom entities for techniques.
(I have already completed the model, textures, and animations using the Geckolib plugin for BlockBench).
An example would be Rasengan from naruto!

What we want to make
Ultimately, I would like to create something that summons a custom entity of my own creation to attack an opponent when a specific key on the keyboard is pressed.(The event is completed when the key is pressed.)

Question Lists

1. What class should CustomEntity.java inherit from? (extends)
I think RasenganEntity is not a living entity (LivingEntity), in that case, which class should it inherit from?

2. I want the animation "animation.○○○○○○.spawn" to be triggered when the technique is activated (when the entity is born).
Please tell me how to do this.

3.  In Renderer.java, is it suitable to inherit from GeoEntityRenderer? (If it is a non-living entity, I get an error.)
The type parameter 'net.name.mod_id.entity.custom.OriginalEntity' is not within its boundaries.' Must inherit from 'net.minecraft.world.entity.LivingEntity'

Version Info

This is my first post, so apologies if there are any mistakes.
Japanese -> English translation is used.(DeepL)

Edited by SL91994
Mistakes in Submission
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