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Get all blocks and items of a mod


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I'm trying to make a config file for my block and item id's. But unfortunately then i would need to make a var for each of my blocks containing the config id. And then i had to make this line of this code for each block:


config.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_BLOCKS, "test", 0);


And i thought: Why can't i just get all the blocks and items of my mod and iterate through all of them?

I found out that all blocks are added to a private Multimap in GameRegistry and i could access that map with reflection.

But i don't think that's a good way of doing this.


Do you guys have ideas how to do this?


Thanks in advance!



You sir are a god damn hero.

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OK, i think i can't do that because i can't change the block id after i registered the block.

But anyways: Here is the code to get only blocks of a mod:



Field blocks;

	Multimap<ModContainer, BlockProxy> blockregistry = null;

		blocks = GameRegistry.class.getDeclaredField("blockRegistry");


		blockregistry = (Multimap<ModContainer, BlockProxy>)blocks.get(new GameRegistry());

	catch (Exception ex)

	if (blockregistry.size() > 0)
		for (ModContainer modcontainer : Loader.instance().getModList())
			if (modcontainer.getModId().equals("modid"))
				for (BlockProxy block : blockregistry.get(modcontainer))




You sir are a god damn hero.

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That's pretty cool - I was trying to figure out how to get the loaded mods :)


I know this isn't quite what you're looking for, but the way I get around creating variables for every single block is to create a single int modBlockIndex and increment it each time I initialize a Block:

private static int modBlockIndex;

public static Block yourBlock1, yourBlock2, etc;

// pre-init: get modBlockIndex start from config

// init:
yourBlock1 = new Block(modBlockIndex++);
yourBlock2 = new Block(modBlockIndex++);

This way your ids are still configurable as a group, but saves the hassle of all those extra variables. I do the same for items.

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