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[1.6.4] BugSnag4MC v1.0.0 - Allowing Modders to Utilize BugSnag

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BugSnag4MC allows modders to easily utilize the full power of BugSnag with no extra work on their part, other than a few simple method calls. This allows modders to easily keep track of crash reports automatically, so they don't have to rely on the player to supply it.


What is BugSnag you ask? Well, I think the devs themselves explain it best.

Bugsnag detects crashes in web and mobile apps, collecting diagnostic information and notifying your dev team over email, sms or chat. You can then use Bugsnag's sophisticated dashboard to find exactly where and how each error happened.


Okay, so I'm your average player. What does this mean for me?

On the surface, nothing. All you have to do is include this mod along with whatever mods you choose to play with. If any of those mods have support, those authors will instantly be informed of any crashes you may encounter, without any work on your end. It means less hassle for the Player, less hassle for the mod author, and hopefully less work for everyone involved.


Okay, so I'm a modder. What does this mean for me?

BugSnag logs all crashes sent to it, and categorizes them in an easy to read format. It also has automatic submission support for most of the main issue trackers out there, including GitHub issues and JIRA. By implementing this mod you no longer have to rely on users to report crashes, they're instantly stored to your BugSnag account and you're notified in whatever way you choose.


Now unfortunately, even if you do use the API supplied, it won't do anything unless the Player has BugSnag4MC installed along with their other mods, but I would highly advise you to recommend it!


API Usage:

This section is only useful for modders. If you're just interested in including this mod, skip down to the section marked Download


In the download section there is a separate link for the API. I've tried to make this API as simple to use as possible, while still retaining all the features of BugSnap I feel like modders will use. If there's a feature you'd like added specifically, please let me know and I'll accommodate if I can.


All functionality of the mod is centered around the ICrashHandler interface. Said interface does have a complete JavaDoc included, so I won't go over it here, I'll just explain the most basic implementation. Included with the API is a class called BasicCrashHandler. Simply making a new instance of this class, supplying it with an ID, API key, and base package, and registering it, will give you all the basic functionality you'll need. If you'd like more, either extend this class or make a new one implementing the appropriate interface.




By simply doing as listed above, you'll receive this info each time there's a crash relating to your mod. You'll receive the full stacktrace, as well as information relevant to Minecraft (Cause of the crash, the full Mincraft crash log, and the side that crashed).



For modders and Players:

Mod File

For modders:



If you encounter any issues, report them to my issue tracker here


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