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[SOLVED] Custom mob won't spawn naturally


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I've searched through pages and pages about this particular problem, and despite finding plenty of answers, none of them seemed to help me.


The problem I'm having is that my custom mob will not spawn naturally. I got a spawn egg to work, though, and have confirmed that the mob itself works fine.


// spawn egg
                EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityArrowtongue.class, "arrowtongue.entity", Mobs.arrowtongueID, 0x990099, 0x990099);
//register entity
                EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityArrowtongue.class, "arrowtongue.entity", Mobs.arrowtongueID, this, 80, 3, true);
// register spawn
                EntityRegistry.addSpawn(EntityArrowtongue.class, 10, 4, 6, EnumCreatureType.creature, BiomeGenBase.plains);//change the values to vary the spawn rarity, biome, etc.             


No matter what values I pass to addSpawn, it never actually does.


Main file where registration occurs: https://github.com/code4240/DarwinMod/blob/master/mod/Minecraft/src/code4240/alien/alien.java


EntityArrowtongue: https://github.com/code4240/DarwinMod/blob/master/mod/Minecraft/src/code4240/alien/mob/arrowtongue/EntityArrowtongue.java

I am the Queen/King of gender ambiguity. At least, I try to be.

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Before I look into code, just to be sure:

1. Are you in difficulty peacful? Is it a monster and daytime?


No. Not peaceful. Hostiles spawn properly. And it's not a monster. At least, it shouldn't be...


EDIT: Your inquiry about whether it was a monster inspired me, and I fiddled with the type and got it to spawn!! I was unaware that EntityMob was a monster type. Setting it to extend EntityLiving and setting the spawntype to ambient caused it to spawn.


Am I right to presume that setting it to EntityCreature and setting EnumCreatureType to creature would fail because creatures only spawn with the world generator? If so, how might I go about adding this mob as a creature to, say, a custom biome?

I am the Queen/King of gender ambiguity. At least, I try to be.

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