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[STILL NOT SOLVED] Custom furnace speed change when a specific item is in slot 6


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I would like to know how to make the smelting speed when there is an item in slot 6. Think of it like in IC2 the Overclocker upgrade.

How would you make such a thing? I made an int that sets the smelting speed of the furnace.

I tried this code:

         if(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() == Elementum.upgradeSpeed){
        	 finishTime = 1200 /(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].stackSize + 1); 
        	 finishTime = 1200;

but it crashed when I placed the block in the world.

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Actually I'm not sure that the smelting time can be shortened in the vanilla furnace.  The code below suggests to me that it's fixed at 10 seconds (200 ticks).


I don't know why your code fragment causes Minecraft to crash when you place the block.  How were you intending to use finishTime?





    public void updateEntity()
        boolean flag = this.furnaceBurnTime > 0;
        boolean flag1 = false;
// snip

            if (this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt())

                if (this.furnaceCookTime == 200)
                    this.furnaceCookTime = 0;
                    flag1 = true;



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When you place the block in the world, slot 6 is empty. So this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() is NULL.


Make a check that there is an actual item in the slot before trying to compare it with anything.

         if(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() != null && this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() == Elementum.upgradeSpeed){
        	 finishTime = 1200 /(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].stackSize + 1); 
        	 finishTime = 1200;

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Well, you need to check one step earlier: electrolysisItemStacks[6] is null at the start, so:

if(electrolysisItemStacks[6] != null && electrolysisItemStacks[6].itemID == Elementum.upgradeSpeed.itemID){

Author of PneumaticCraft, MineChess, Minesweeper Mod and Sokoban Mod. Visit www.minemaarten.com to take a look at them.

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Thank you for the help, but it's still not working.

At least it isn't crashing now :D

No matter how many Speed upgrades I put in, it's still the same speed.


Also is there a way for the item to be a metadata item? If yes, then how would the code look like?


Here's my tile entity code:

package elementum;

import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockFurnace;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemHoe;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemSword;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemTool;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagList;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;

public class TileEntityElectrolysisMachine extends TileEntity implements ISidedInventory
    private static final int[] slots_top = new int[] {0};
    private static final int[] slots_bottom = new int[] {3,4,5};
    private static final int[] slots_back = new int[] {2};
    private static final int[] slots_sides = new int[] {1};
    private ItemStack electrolysisItemStacks[];
    public int electrolysisBurnTime;
    public int currentItemBurnTime;
    public int electrolysisCookTime;
    private int finishTime;
    private int speedModifier;
    private String customName;
private String localizedName;
    EntityPlayer entityplayer;
public TileEntityElectrolysisMachine()
         electrolysisItemStacks = new ItemStack[7];
         electrolysisBurnTime = 0;
         currentItemBurnTime = 0;
         electrolysisCookTime = 0;
         speedModifier = 0;
         if(electrolysisItemStacks[6] != null && electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() == Elementum.upgrade){
        	 finishTime = 1200 /(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].stackSize + 1);
        	 finishTime = 1200;
         * Returns the number of slots in the inventory.
public int getSizeInventory()
         return electrolysisItemStacks.length;
 * Returns the stack in slot i
public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int i)
         return electrolysisItemStacks[i];
public void setInventorySlotConatainers(int i, ItemStack itemstack)
         electrolysisItemStacks[i] = itemstack;
         if (itemstack != null && itemstack.stackSize > getInventoryStackLimit())
                 itemstack.stackSize = getInventoryStackLimit();
         * Reads a tile entity from NBT.
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
         NBTTagList nbttaglist = nbttagcompound.getTagList("Items");
         electrolysisItemStacks = new ItemStack[getSizeInventory()];
         for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); i++)
                 NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = (NBTTagCompound)nbttaglist.tagAt(i);
                 byte byte0 = nbttagcompound1.getByte("Slot");
                 if (byte0 >= 0 && byte0 < electrolysisItemStacks.length)
                         electrolysisItemStacks[byte0] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(nbttagcompound1);
         electrolysisBurnTime = nbttagcompound.getShort("BurnTime");
         electrolysisCookTime = nbttagcompound.getShort("CookTime");
         currentItemBurnTime = getItemBurnTime(electrolysisItemStacks[1]);
         * Writes a tile entity to NBT.
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound)
         nbttagcompound.setShort("BurnTime", (short)electrolysisBurnTime);
         nbttagcompound.setShort("CookTime", (short)electrolysisCookTime);
         NBTTagList nbttaglist = new NBTTagList();
         for (int i = 0; i < electrolysisItemStacks.length; i++)
                 if (electrolysisItemStacks[i] != null)
                         NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1 = new NBTTagCompound();
                         nbttagcompound1.setByte("Slot", (byte)i);
         nbttagcompound.setTag("Items", nbttaglist);
public int getInventoryStackLimit()
	return 64;
public int getCookProgressScaled(int i)
         return (electrolysisCookTime * i) / finishTime;
public int getBurnTimeRemainingScaled(int i)
         if (currentItemBurnTime == 0)
                 currentItemBurnTime = finishTime;
         return (electrolysisBurnTime * i) / currentItemBurnTime;

public boolean isBurning()
         return electrolysisBurnTime > 0;

/*public void updateEntity()
         boolean flag = electrolysisBurnTime > 0;
         boolean flag1 = false;
         if (electrolysisBurnTime > 0)
         if (!worldObj.isRemote)
                 if (electrolysisBurnTime == 0 && canSmelt())
                         currentItemBurnTime = electrolysisBurnTime = getItemBurnTime(electrolysisItemStacks[2]);
                         if (electrolysisBurnTime > 0)
                                 flag1 = true;
                                 if (electrolysisItemStacks[2] != null)
                                         if (electrolysisItemStacks[2].stackSize == 0)
                                                 electrolysisItemStacks[2] = new ItemStack(electrolysisItemStacks[2].getItem().setFull3D());
                                         if (electrolysisItemStacks[2].stackSize == 0)
                                                 electrolysisItemStacks[2] = null;
                 if (isBurning() && canSmelt())
                         if (electrolysisCookTime == finishTime)
                                 electrolysisCookTime = 0;
                                 flag1 = true;
                         electrolysisCookTime = 0;
                 if (flag != (electrolysisBurnTime > 0))
                         flag1 = true;
         if (flag1)

public void updateEntity()
        boolean flag = this.electrolysisBurnTime > 0;
        boolean flag1 = false;

        if (this.electrolysisBurnTime > 0)

        if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
            if (this.electrolysisBurnTime == 0 && this.canSmelt())
                this.currentItemBurnTime = this.electrolysisBurnTime = getItemBurnTime(this.electrolysisItemStacks[2]);

                if (this.electrolysisBurnTime > 0)
                    flag1 = true;

                    if (this.electrolysisItemStacks[2] != null)

                        if (this.electrolysisItemStacks[2].stackSize == 0)
                            this.electrolysisItemStacks[2] = this.electrolysisItemStacks[1].getItem().getContainerItemStack(electrolysisItemStacks[2]);

            if (this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt())

                if (this.electrolysisCookTime == finishTime)
                    this.electrolysisCookTime = 0;
                    flag1 = true;
                this.electrolysisCookTime = 0;

            if (flag == this.electrolysisCookTime >= 0)
                flag1 = true;
                BlockElectrolysisMachine.updateMachineBlockState(this.electrolysisCookTime > 0, this.worldObj, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord);

        if (flag1)

private boolean canSmelt()
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[0] == null || electrolysisItemStacks[1] == null)
                 return false;
         ItemStack itemstack = ElectrolysisMachineRecipes.getSmeltingResult(electrolysisItemStacks[0].getItem().itemID, electrolysisItemStacks[1].getItem().itemID);
         if (itemstack == null)
                 return false;
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[3] == null)
                 return true;
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[4] == null)
                 return true;
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[5] == null)
                 return true;
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[3] != null && electrolysisItemStacks[4] != null && electrolysisItemStacks[5] != null)
                 return false;
         /*if (!electrolysisItemStacks[3].isItemEqual(itemstack))
        	 return false;
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[3].stackSize < getInventoryStackLimit() && electrolysisItemStacks[3].stackSize < electrolysisItemStacks[3].getMaxStackSize())
        	 return true;
             //return electrolysisItemStacks[3].stackSize < itemstack.getMaxStackSize();
        	 return false;
public void smeltItem()
         if (!canSmelt())
         ItemStack itemstack = ElectrolysisMachineRecipes.getSmeltingResult(electrolysisItemStacks[0].getItem().itemID, electrolysisItemStacks[1].getItem().itemID);
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[3] == null)
                 electrolysisItemStacks[3] = itemstack.copy();
         else if(electrolysisItemStacks[3] != null)
        	 if (electrolysisItemStacks[4] == null)
        		 electrolysisItemStacks[4] = itemstack.copy();
        	 else if (electrolysisItemStacks[4] != null)
            	 if (electrolysisItemStacks[5] == null)
            		 electrolysisItemStacks[5] = itemstack.copy();
         /*else if (electrolysisItemStacks[3].itemID == itemstack.itemID)
         for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                 if (electrolysisItemStacks[i].stackSize <= 0)
                         electrolysisItemStacks[i] = new ItemStack(electrolysisItemStacks[i].getItem().setFull3D());
                 if (electrolysisItemStacks[i].stackSize <= 0)
                         electrolysisItemStacks[i] = null;
private static int getItemBurnTime(ItemStack itemstack)
         if (itemstack == null)
                 return 0;
         int i = itemstack.getItem().itemID;
         Item item = itemstack.getItem();

         if (itemstack.getItem() instanceof ItemBlock && Block.blocksList[i] != null)
             Block block = Block.blocksList[i];

             if (block == Block.woodSingleSlab)
                 return 150;

             if (block.blockMaterial == Material.wood)
                 return 300;

             if (block == Block.coalBlock)
                 return 16000;

         if (item instanceof ItemTool && ((ItemTool) item).getToolMaterialName().equals("WOOD")) return 200;
         if (item instanceof ItemSword && ((ItemSword) item).getToolMaterialName().equals("WOOD")) return 200;
         if (item instanceof ItemHoe && ((ItemHoe) item).getMaterialName().equals("WOOD")) return 200;
         if (i == Item.stick.itemID) return 100;
         if (i == Item.coal.itemID) return 1600;
         if (i == Item.bucketLava.itemID) return 20000;
         if (i == Block.sapling.blockID) return 100;
         if (i == Item.blazeRod.itemID) return 2400;
         return GameRegistry.getFuelValue(itemstack);

public static boolean isItemFuel(ItemStack itemstack)
    return getItemBurnTime(itemstack) > 0;
         * Do not make give this method the name canInteractWith because it clashes with Container
public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer entityplayer)
         if (worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord) != this)
                 return false;
                 return entityplayer.getDistanceSq((double)xCoord + 0.5D, (double)yCoord + 0.5D, (double)zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64D;
         * Decrease the size of the stack in slot (first int arg) by the amount of the second int arg. Returns the new
         * stack.
public ItemStack decrStackSize(int i, int j)
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[i] != null)
                 if (electrolysisItemStacks[i].stackSize <= j)
                         ItemStack itemstack = electrolysisItemStacks[i];
                         electrolysisItemStacks[i] = null;
                         return itemstack;
                 ItemStack itemstack1 = electrolysisItemStacks[i].splitStack(j);
                 if (electrolysisItemStacks[i].stackSize == 0)
                         electrolysisItemStacks[i] = null;
                 return itemstack1;
                 return null;
         * Sets the given item stack to the specified slot in the inventory (can be crafting or armor sections).
public void setInventorySlotContents(int i, ItemStack itemstack)
         electrolysisItemStacks[i] = itemstack;
         if (itemstack != null && itemstack.stackSize > getInventoryStackLimit())
                 itemstack.stackSize = getInventoryStackLimit();
         * Returns the name of the inventory.
public String getInvName()
         return "container.electrolysisMachine";
public void openChest()
public void closeChest()
         * When some containers are closed they call this on each slot, then drop whatever it returns as an EntityItem -
         * like when you close a workbench GUI.
public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int i)
         if (electrolysisItemStacks[i] != null)
                 ItemStack itemstack = electrolysisItemStacks[i];
                 electrolysisItemStacks[i] = null;
                 return itemstack;
                 return null;
public boolean isInvNameLocalized()
         return (this.customName != null) && (this.customName.length() > 0);
public void setCustomName(String name)
         this.customName = name;
    public boolean isItemValidForSlot(int par1, ItemStack par2ItemStack)
        return par1 == 3 ? false : (par1 == 2 ? isItemFuel(par2ItemStack) : true);
public void setGuiDisplayName(String displayName) {
this.localizedName = displayName;

public int[] getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(int side)
	return side == 0 ? slots_bottom : (side == 1 ? slots_top : side == 5 ? slots_back : slots_sides);

public boolean canInsertItem(int slot, ItemStack item, int side)
	return this.isItemValidForSlot(slot, item);

public boolean canExtractItem(int slot, ItemStack item, int side)
	return side != 0 || slot != 1 || item.itemID == Item.bucketEmpty.itemID;

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I am using it in:

public int getCookProgressScaled(int i)
         return (electrolysisCookTime * i) / finishTime;
public int getBurnTimeRemainingScaled(int i)
         if (currentItemBurnTime == 0)
                 currentItemBurnTime = finishTime;
         return (electrolysisBurnTime * i) / currentItemBurnTime;


if (this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt())

                if (this.electrolysisCookTime == finishTime)
                    this.electrolysisCookTime = 0;
                    flag1 = true;


Basically it's in the place where the number of ticks, which are required to smelt items, is supposed to be.

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I've had a look through the code and I have to admit I don't really understand what you're trying to do.


In particular this bit

         if(electrolysisItemStacks[6] != null && electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() == Elementum.upgrade){
        	 finishTime = 1200 /(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].stackSize + 1);

won't electrolysisItemStacks[6] always be null, since you only just created it?


Perhaps you could write a paragraph describing to us in more detail how your furnace should work, eg

(1) The furnace will have an extra seven slots

(2) Each slot can hold an Elementum

(3) The more slots are filled with Elementum, the faster the smelting time according to the formula xxx



But anyway, to help you track down why your code isn't working the way you expect, I'd suggest you add logging code at key points, eg:


if (this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt())
System.out.println("Current electrolysisCookTime:" + this.electrolysisCookTime + " -> " + finishTime);

                if (this.electrolysisCookTime == finishTime)
                    this.electrolysisCookTime = 0;
                    flag1 = true;




	public TileEntityElectrolysisMachine()
         electrolysisItemStacks = new ItemStack[7];
         electrolysisBurnTime = 0;
         currentItemBurnTime = 0;
         electrolysisCookTime = 0;
         speedModifier = 0;
         if(electrolysisItemStacks[6] != null && electrolysisItemStacks[6].getItem() == Elementum.upgrade){
        	 finishTime = 1200 /(this.electrolysisItemStacks[6].stackSize + 1);
        	 finishTime = 1200;
System.out.println("finishTime = " + finishTime);



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I wrote this for you - you can feel special :)

public int Power; //Time needed to smelt an item
public TileEntity()
//Other stuff
Power = 200; //Well you need to declare first Power (I mean - maybe not, never checked)
//Since you need to check for stack in your [6] slot everytime they change I would suggest using updateEntity
public void updateEntity()
//You need to call this right at the beggining!
if(this.ItemStacks[6] != null) //Checks if Slot[6] is not null
	if(this.ItemStacks[6].itemID == MyMod.booster.itemID) //Checks if there is booster inside - and yes - use freaking ID's, not getItem() -.-
		int x = this.ItemStacks[6].stackSize; //Well, you wanted that: more boosters = faster smelting?
		this.Power = 200 - 2*x; //10sec - 1/5sec for every booster in slot [6]
//It is VERY important to make sure that maxStackSize of booster will not make your Power go less than 1.
//Here: with 64xbooster you will get 200-128-1=71 ticks to smelt item (-1 is from array index, or whatever you call it)
	this.Power = 200; //10sec

This works perfectly! And I mean it - just checked in eclipse!

Also: I did int x inside updateEntity - don't do that, make it global :)

1.7.10 is no longer supported by forge, you are on your own.

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Jeerdus, I'd just drop in the simplest and best advice I can give:

Check out VSWE's excellent course about GUI's. It involves syncing Server<->Client and later covers advance syncing which does not req. you to reopen your gui :) 

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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Thanks, watched the tutorial and started to understand this thing! :D

Thank you very much for your help!


The tutorials are in multiple parts, and he has some for other topics.

I'm glad you liked them and I highly recommend that you watch all the videos in the series, it will make you able to create rather impressive and advance GUI's ;)

If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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