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Water level bar


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I'm trying to create a thirst bar, something like the food bar, but for water. So far, I have the bar appearing in the hud and working.

What I would like is to have the thirst increase with activity and biome (thirst increases faster in hotter biomes) and decrease with drinking water, or eating food, but can't figure out how to get that part working.

Can anybody help?

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Some random thoughts -

I would suggest using an ITickHandler to deplete the thirst at a rate depending on the biome and the activity (eg if the player is sprinting).


I'm not sure how to hook into the food eating.  The drinking water is relatively easy if you create your own special item for that - say a water canteen that you can fill from water, similar to a bucket.  See ItemBucket for inspiration.




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For the water drinking, (maybe) you could check if the player is drinking a standard water bottle, and if that's done, add some water to the thirst bar.

Don't PM me with questions. They will be ignored! Make a thread on the appropriate board for support.


1.12 -> 1.13 primer by williewillus.


1.7.10 and older versions of Minecraft are no longer supported due to it's age! Update to the latest version for support.



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For the water drinking, (maybe) you could check if the player is drinking a standard water bottle, and if that's done, add some water to the thirst bar.


That is basically what I want to do, but not sure about the coding.

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that happens in Item.onEaten but I don't see any easy way to hook into it for existing items.  A couple of suggestions

- you could hook into onPlayerPreTick (see EntityPlayer.onUpdate) and check the itemInUseCount as per the vanilla code.  Or

- you could create a new MyItemPotion that extends ItemPotion, overwrite the vanilla ItemPotion in Item.potion with an instance of your myItemPotion, and override ItemPotion.onEaten to check if this is water and if so reduce thirst.  A bit clunky but it should work.



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  • 3 weeks later...

After a bit of work, I have the water bar responding to biome and heat sources, as well as drinking water.

What I would like to know now is how to have movement and other activity effect it like they effect food.


Can anybody suggest something?

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I would suggest using a Server ITickHandler to deplete the thirst at a rate depending on what the player is doing.

For example - each tick check the isSprinting flag, count the number of jumps (perhaps StatList? see EntityPlayer.jump()), or alternatively you could look at EntityPlayerSP.movementInput to see what keys the player is pressing / is jumping.


Should be plenty of options...




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