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How to make mob truly invisible


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How would I make my mob truly invisible (armor and hand items hidden, only particles showing) when it has the invisible status effect? I put this in its renderer:

    public boolean shouldRender(T p_115468_, Frustum p_115469_, double p_115470_, double p_115471_, double p_115472_) {
        return !p_115468_.hasEffect(MobEffects.INVISIBILITY);

but the mob doesn't become visible again after the effect wares off. Anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: there also seems to be another issue where the mob doesn't turn invisible when splashed with invis and only turns invisible when it's from the potion it drinks (like a witch). Also, him not appearing when invis wears off isn't just because of this, since when this override was commented out, he still would stay invisible even after I /effect cleared him. Anyone have any guess as to what's going on here?

EDIT 2: I'm stupid, the not turning invisible thing was from a previous attempt at doing this that I forgot to remove, but the original issue still stands. However, the shouldRender only seems to run when the mob gets invis from its potion, and not when getting splashed.

Edited by a_random_something
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