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[SOLVED]Beginner tutorial, ...getClient().theWorld error


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I'm new to Minecraft modding with FML, and I started following the preliminary tutorial available at:



I've followed the code here, and the continuing code for creating your first block at:



making the slight changes to the code from the recommendations at:



But there is an error in resolving the symbol of 'theWorld' in this line of code in the ClientProxy (the google docs tutorial):


return FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().theWorld;


What should that line be? I'm eager to get this working and begin mod development. Thank you for the replies.



Ah, I forgot my etiquette. Forge, JDK and JRE 1.7.0_06, Eclipse IDE for Java developers-Juno release. And I recognize that the google docs tutorial is still in its early stages--I'm just looking for tutorials to get started, and am grateful to the work that's been done on it so far.



And MCP 7.2, with vanilla minecraft_server.jar and bin and resource folders, version 1.3.2.

Developer for HamsterRepublic OHRRPGCE.

Moderator for d3dcoder.net forums.

XAudio2 tutorial writer of win32developer.com.

Languages: c++, javascript, html, xml, php, css, freebasic, java

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Nevermind, it was a typo on my part. Some how I typed getClass() instead of getClient()... they look so similar... Oh well, I've learned to use eclipse better now. :)

Developer for HamsterRepublic OHRRPGCE.

Moderator for d3dcoder.net forums.

XAudio2 tutorial writer of win32developer.com.

Languages: c++, javascript, html, xml, php, css, freebasic, java

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