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Changing Item or Block ID seems to remove them from the game.

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I'm toying around with the config file idea, looked after cpw's IronChests source to figure it out. I noticed though that if I change the blockID or Item id from the file and go into a world where I had already, whatever item or block's ID I had changed would disappear.


Perhaps something is wrong in the code? Thanks!


Config loading code:

public void preLoad(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
	Configuration config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());

		BnmStoneID = config.getOrCreateBlockIdProperty("Nightmare Stone Block", 145).getInt(145);
		InmAxe = config.getOrCreateIntProperty("Shifting Axe", Props.config.CATEGORY_ITEM, 6200).getInt(6200);
		InmPickAxe = config.getOrCreateIntProperty("Shifting Pick Axe", Props.config.CATEGORY_ITEM, 6201).getInt(6201);
		InmSword = config.getOrCreateIntProperty("Shifting Sword", Props.config.CATEGORY_ITEM, 6202).getInt(6202);
		InmMulti1 = config.getOrCreateIntProperty("Shifting Residue", Props.config.CATEGORY_ITEM, 6203).getInt(6203);
		InmOrb = config.getOrCreateIntProperty("Shifting Orb", Props.config.CATEGORY_ITEM, 6204).getInt(6204);
		InmSphere = config.getOrCreateIntProperty("Shifting Sphere", Props.config.CATEGORY_ITEM, 6205).getInt(6205);
	} catch(Exception e)
		FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "Alptraum: Difficulties loading config.");
	} finally



The block ID is stored in the save, so when you reload the world with iron chests being other ID, the chests in the world is not of a valid block ID, so it simply disappears.

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