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Can't find proper document on the network reworking on forge 48.1.0'

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for educational purpose I am trying to port a mod from 1.20.1 to 1.20.2+ but I can't understand how the new networking system works.
I manage to get through it for the most part, but I'm stuck on how to register packets.
The previous method was:
INSTANCE.registerMessage(id++, CPExecuteSkill.class, CPExecuteSkill::toBytes, CPExecuteSkill::fromBytes, CPExecuteSkill::handle);
with instance being of type SimpleChannel. 
(The forge document is not up to date for this part unfortunatly)

Any help or clear documentation would be welcome.

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thast right 
kapenjoe says something about not going up from 1.20.2 for some package issue 

i have the mine working messing around until the code start working still seems like you have some more complex than the mine 


//in mi main class 

	//########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
private void commonSetup(final FMLCommonSetupEvent event) {




			package mercmod.networking;				
			import mercmod.mercmod;
		import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceLocation;
		import net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayer;
		import net.minecraftforge.network.ChannelBuilder;
		import net.minecraftforge.network.NetworkDirection;
		import net.minecraftforge.network.PacketDistributor;
		import net.minecraftforge.network.SimpleChannel;				
			public class ModMessage {				
			    private static int packetId = 0;				
			    private static int id() {
		        return packetId++;
			    public static final SimpleChannel INSTANCE = ChannelBuilder.named(
		                    new ResourceLocation(mercmod.MOD_ID, "main"))
		            .clientAcceptedVersions((status, versions) -> true)
		            .serverAcceptedVersions((status, versions) -> true)
			    public static void register() {				
			        INSTANCE.messageBuilder(toggle_crawl.class, id(), NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_SERVER)
			        INSTANCE.messageBuilder(set_crawl_locally.class, id(), NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_CLIENT)
			        INSTANCE.messageBuilder(send_display_mensage_locally.class, id(), NetworkDirection.PLAY_TO_CLIENT)
			    public static void sendToServer(Object message) {
		        INSTANCE.send(message, PacketDistributor.SERVER.noArg());
			    public static void sendToPlayer(Object message, ServerPlayer pe) {//
		        INSTANCE.send(message, PacketDistributor.PLAYER.with(pe));
			    public static void sendToAllClients(Object message) {				
			        INSTANCE.send(message, PacketDistributor.ALL.noArg());




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