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1.20.2 makin the player move


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Hello everyone.

I just started creating mod with forge and i am new to it.

I saw some other post about my question but none resolved my problem.

I tried this code but also with all the other method (move , moveto , lerpMotion) but none would work:


public static int movingfunction(CommandContext<CommandSourceStack> context){

        CommandSourceStack source = context.getSource();
        if (!(source.getEntity() instanceof ServerPlayer)) {

            return 0;
        ServerPlayer player = (ServerPlayer ) source.getEntity();

        double moveSpeed = 0.5; 
        for (int i =0; i<10000;i++) {
            LOGGER.info("running for the {} time", i);
            double x =  player.getViewVector(1.0f).x * moveSpeed;
            double y =  player.getViewVector(1.0f).y * moveSpeed;
            double z = 0;

            Vec3 movementVec = new Vec3(x, y, z);
            LOGGER.info("x ={} y ={} z ={}", x, y, z);
            player.moveRelative(0.0F, movementVec);

        return 1; // Code de retour de la commande

when i tried the code with move function my x and y were calculated this way :

double x = player.getX() + player.getViewVector(1.0f).x * moveSpeed;
double y = player.getY() + player.getViewVector(1.0f).y * moveSpeed;

and when i would log them i could see they were increasing , but my player was still standing firmly on his spot.

I feel like the position was updated on the server but not on the client side maybe ?


thanks for your help.

Edited by nyzra
mistake in writing
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Yeah, so deltaMovement and jumping have to be done on the client. The reason it only happens on the client is so that the animations are smooth. Client to server communication for movement is not very smooth. You can move the player with player.setPos(x, y, z) on the server using manually managed velocity, but the player’s movement on the client will not be smooth. I hope this helps 😃

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Posted (edited)

Thank you for your answer !

Unfortunatly i have the same problem when i use setPos()

public static int movingfunction(CommandContext<CommandSourceStack> context){

        CommandSourceStack source = context.getSource();
        if (!(source.getEntity() instanceof ServerPlayer)) {

            return 0;
        ServerPlayer player = (ServerPlayer ) source.getEntity();

        double moveSpeed = 0.5;
        for (int i =0; i<10000;i++) {
            LOGGER.info("running for the {} time", i);
            double x = player.getX() + player.getViewVector(1.0f).x * moveSpeed;
            double y = player.getY();
            double z = player.getZ() +  player.getViewVector(1.0f).z * moveSpeed ;

            Vec3 movementVec = new Vec3(x, y, z);
            LOGGER.info("x ={} y ={} z ={}", x, y, z);
            player.setPos( movementVec);

        return 1; 

With the logs i can see that x and z are increasing but once again my player is not moving.

is there a function to use to sync the server and the client ?

I also tried to use LocalPlayer instead of ServerPlayer but my code would stop when i got the object.

Also i will change a bit the main topic but is there a way to similate key press ? i found KeyBinding.setKeyBindState on others post but it look like there is no more KeyBinding in 1.20


I found this code :


But it doesn't seems to work


And i found this one :


wich works but doesn't exactly do what i want , it doesn't release the key so for exemple i can't make him run.


doesn't make him run

Edited by nyzra
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