Please Help! BlockFront Mod Crash
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Again, sorry for the delay, just haven't been home and it takes time to open up the game. Screenshot
I'm trying to do a thing where I can revert an explosion via hotkey: @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = MODID, bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.FORGE, value = Dist.CLIENT) public static class ClientForgeEvents{ @SubscribeEvent public static void onClientTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent event) { if (event.phase == TickEvent.Phase.END) { while (TEST_KEY.get().consumeClick()) { Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getInstance(); mc.player.displayClientMessage(Component.literal("hotkey-test"),false); for(Map.Entry<BlockPos,BlockState> entry : explodedBlocks.entrySet()){ ((LevelAccessor) Minecraft.getInstance().level).setBlock(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue(),1); } explodedBlocks.clear(); } } } @SubscribeEvent public static void onExplosion(ExplosionEvent.Detonate evt) { printToChat(evt.getExplosion().getDirectSourceEntity().toString()); for (BlockPos pos : evt.getAffectedBlocks()) { explodedBlocks.put(pos,Minecraft.getInstance().level.getBlockState(pos)); } } } explodedBlocks is just a Hashmap with BlockPos and BlockState. This almost does what I want, except all blocks are ghosts. I'm assuming I have to run this same thing server side somehow, but apart from the general concept of logical and physical clients and servers I feel like I understand nothing. I also can't find any tutorials for 1.21 and the docs page for SimpleImpl just straight up doesn't work (at least the "Getting Started" part, which makes attempting the rest kinda useless).
helllo i am creating mod that requies automatic moving items from a given inventory slot, to chest. I need to simlate right click with shift, and moving items to specific slot can someone help me?
By Max1musbuldozer · Posted
Hello, thank you for your answer! I tried it without the mods. the crashlog is still the Same except without the mentioning of These mods. And this time Not only minecraft crashed but my whole PC with a bluescreen „System Service exception“
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