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Idk where I must execute "setDeltaMovement" method.


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I made a packet which send the "Y" velocity to the server.

public boolean handle(Supplier<Context> ctx) {
        ctx.get().enqueueWork(() -> {
            ServerPlayer player = ctx.get().getSender();

            if (player != null) {


                player.getAbilities().flying = false;

                Vec3 vec3 = player.getDeltaMovement();

                player.setDeltaMovement(vec3.x, dy, vec3.z);

                player.hasImpulse = true;


        return true;

Where I trying to set new movement vector (setDeltaMovement) but it is not works.

But the "sendSystemMessage" works perfectly here

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Posted (edited)

setDeltaMovement only works on the client. this makes the animations smoother. The reason sendSystemMessage works is because you don’t have to constantly send messages from the server to the client, and a little bit of lag is ok. This is a core minecraft mechanism, but you can send custom packets over to the client to set its deltaMovement. The client has to have a way to receive the packets too.

Edited by Xoroshio
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