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[Solved] Difficulty with Generating Block Data Registered in Forge MDK


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I'm having a problem generating data from registered blocks, I've looked through everything and haven't found anything that could be causing this problem, so I come to the Forge community as a last resort.
The log information is in a gist with the file data debug.log.

This is the project link on GitHub: GitHub: https://github.com/eterium-network/quantum-praeda

Solved, the problem was in the structure of the LootTables file generation class.

Thank you in advance for the community's help!

Original Text:


Estou tendo um problema para gerar os dados dos blocos registrados, já revirei o tudo e não achei nada que possa estar causando esse problema, sendo assim, venho como ultimo recurso a comunidade do Forge.
As informações de log estão em um gist com os dados do arquivo debug.log.

Este é o link do projeto no GitHub: https://github.com/eterium-network/quantum-praeda
Resolvido, o problema estava na estrutura da classe de geração dos arquivos de LootTables.

Desde já agradeço a ajuda da comunidade!

Edited by GS.DEV
Problem/Bug Solved.

Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless. — Thomas Edison


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