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No imports resolvable in unmodified MDK (UNSOLVED)

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Trying again to get into Minecraft modding, I was able to import the Forge MDK into Eclipse after some confusion, but all of the imports in ExampleMod.java are highlighted in red with an error saying they can't be resolved, and all references to any type can't be resolved either. Any type, including String. Only the simplest types like int, along with types defined in the same package work fine. I tried right-clicking on the project, going to Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project and also running gradlew --refresh-dependencies but neither of those seem to have had any noticeable effect. The mod builds just fine in spite of the errors, though I doubt I'll be able to get anything done with Eclipse constantly screaming at me.

Edited by Tiny Desk Engineer
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5 hours ago, perromercenary00 said:

is usual than the imported classes changes in name and int path from version to version  

are you sure the code you are putting is for the version you are trying to run 

The version of what? I just imported the MDK into Eclipse. I haven't made any edits to the Java code in it or even any other files. I haven't even gotten to changing the modid from "examplemod" yet.

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  • Tiny Desk Engineer changed the title to No imports resolvable in unmodified MDK (UNSOLVED)

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