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Getting error code 1 on 1.20.1


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    • Been trying to put a modpack together to play on my own on stream, and I've hit a crash I can't seem to figure out. Normally I can find the mod causing the issue on my own, but I need some help this time. The crash happens when I click Singleplayer, before I'm able to actually load into the SP menu. Crash report: https://pastebin.com/KzjUZ8BY Latest log: I tried to use Pastebin, but the latest.log apparently exceeds their paste data limit or whatever, so I can't provide it 😞 if there's an alternative I can use, I'll provide it ASAP!
    • Hello there, since two hours my single player world had the problem of not loading when started. There is no loading percentage nor loading animation. As soon as I click on the screen it goes blank and does not react. When I try to close the window I get the prompt "OpenJDK Platform binary does not react" with the options to wait or close. Waiting does nothing after 10min so I close. When I create a new world with my modpack it does not have the same problem, works fine, game starts, etc. I played in my world for 40 hours, had no similar problems. It seems to be something new and specific to my world. I did not find anything useful online and hope that you might be able to help me. The exit code is -805306369, the last log can be found at https://pastebin.com/EDEV26N9 and the crash-report at https://pastebin.com/0Txg28r1 I really hope you can help me, as I do not know what I did differently/wrong to suddenly have this problem.
    • why was that site marked as potential phising
    • Following my old post (which I fixed the problem lol) I am making a mod for devil fruits and basically how it is when you eat the fruit it makes it so that you can't swim in water (and you get a power which will be implemented later). Also you can't have eaten a devil fruit and eat another otherwise you will die. Anyway, I am implementing the part where you can't swim, and I keep running into this logical error, here is my code (without imports):   @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = DevilFruitMod.MOD_ID) public class PlayerEventHandler { @SubscribeEvent public static void onLivingUpdate(TickEvent.@NotNull PlayerTickEvent event) { Player player = event.player; if (player.getPersistentData().getBoolean("hasConsumedDevilFruit")) { DevilFruitMod.LOGGER.info(player.getName().getString() + " has consumed a Devil Fruit and is in water: " + player.isInWater()); if (player.isInWater()) { player.setDeltaMovement(0, player.getDeltaMovement().y - 0.1, 0); DevilFruitMod.LOGGER.info("Setting downward movement for " + player.getName().getString()); } } } } Basically what is happening is that if I re log back in after have eaten a devil fruit already, it does not set the players delta movement correctly in water (its supposed to make it so that they can barely move and will drown in deeper waters), however as a debugging method, every tick it DOES print out that they have eaten a devil fruit meaning that it runs through these if statements. If I give myself another devil fruit eat it, die, and eat another, then only it makes it so that I can't swim. Can someone help me out? I hope I explained this well lol.
    • всем привет, я уже 2 недели пытаюсь сделать шейдеры на 1.20.1, пытаюсь сделать как в 1.16.5, но не получается, пробовал через minecraft и chatgpt и даже пробовал https://github.com/sxmurxy2005/2D-Render-Util-1.16
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