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ATM sky 9 startup issue post fresh computer boot

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Ive been having an issue with ATM sky 9 on Curseforge and ive been trying my hand at fixing it but ive hit a wall

originally i was getting the crash code 1, checked the logs and it was something with Necronomicon so i changed version it got me to nearly fully booted but crashed again with error code -1 but now i cant tell whats wrong here are the fatal parts of my boot log 

here are the game output with only the error and fatal

here are the crash logs


im at the end of my rope and have no idea what's wrong, ive tried every guide i could find. Any help is appreciated


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Did that now my error is back to the necronmicon




Mixin config necronomicon.forge.mixins.json does not specify "minVersion" property



Process Monitor

Process crashed with exit code 1

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i removed Necronomincon and its dependents and i removed Draconic evolution  still crashing now this is my new crash log


and here is my game output



is it something with my computer rather than the pack itself?


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