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Obviously, I would like to know, how can I render my item customly?

I wrote code and made my item shoot like bow with this animation code and much other code, but it's imortantless for animation I guess

    public EnumAction getItemUseAction(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
        return EnumAction.bow;

So, how can I add EnumAction? or something else?


Thanks in advance.

[spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler]LOL,Its nothing interesting here

[spoiler=Spoiler]And here too

[spoiler=Spoiler]But that image is pretty good














I assume you want a custom Item Model: I made a tutorial for this on youtube:






And a mistake I made in them is fixed here:




Thanks, I will need it later, but now I don't need it. I need to make animation for my item's moving while shooting.

[spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler]LOL,Its nothing interesting here

[spoiler=Spoiler]And here too

[spoiler=Spoiler]But that image is pretty good














I would recommend having a look at how it's done with the bow (in net.minecraft.item.ItemBow)

it seems to use a custom iconArray in which three sprites are specified (on lines 20-22)

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it hates those who speak it.


I would recommend having a look at how it's done with the bow (in net.minecraft.item.ItemBow)

it seems to use a custom iconArray in which three sprites are specified (on lines 20-22)


No, definitely not. Bow animation works without textures. icon array is just changing texture 3 times. I don't need it. I need to create my custom animation.

[spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler]LOL,Its nothing interesting here

[spoiler=Spoiler]And here too

[spoiler=Spoiler]But that image is pretty good














If you're trying to get the item to have an animation no matter what, I would probably have a look at lava, water, and portal.

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it hates those who speak it.


If you're trying to get the item to have an animation no matter what, I would probably have a look at lava, water, and portal.


And what will I get? I know where the animation described. In ItemRenderer. But I don't know how and where to register it. And what I need to register. I don't thing some lava help me. When you using bow, its length expands, or when you eat or drink items. It is animation I mean. Not lava ore some animated blocks.

[spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler]LOL,Its nothing interesting here

[spoiler=Spoiler]And here too

[spoiler=Spoiler]But that image is pretty good














Still need help. I think I need something like renderer. (bow's animation described in ItemRenderer) But how can I make and register?

[spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler][spoiler=Spoiler]LOL,Its nothing interesting here

[spoiler=Spoiler]And here too

[spoiler=Spoiler]But that image is pretty good













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